Monday, March 31, 2008

Promised eating is yucky!

make that almost secret four...and then as of this morning, officially secret four. see previous notes about not you or me...

Apparently, if you know me, you get pregnant. This is much like affect on animals at the zoo. I've got photo proof to show that I'm an animal aphrodisiac. I'm definitely not chaperoning any school field one wants to answer those questions to a bus full of 2nd graders!

despite my awesome few round of the NCAA tournament, I believe that I'm out, or all but out of my 16 person pool. Yes, I predicted three great upsets in the beginning, but Tennessee really messed me up. I've got two teams left in the final four (UCLA and Kansas) but it doesn't look good. The real problem with the bracket is if you pick all chalk you get hammered by people for being a front runner, but in the end, these teams are highly ranked for a reason. That's okay-I'm still proud of San Diego and West Virginia. And I'm still bummed about Davidson...and the sad thing about the tournament is that while everyone is excited when there aer 64 teams, but time it gets to four almost no one has a chance at winning their bracket and so no one really cares in the end who wins. Go UCLA just because someone should still be excited for you!

For those keeping score, I'm feeling better. I've got a voice again, though it isn't fully back. Still, it is no where near as bad as it was on Friday morning when I was trying to leave a message for work that said I wasn't coming in. I was afraid they wouldn't be able to even understand what I was saying! A few good naps and a nice bath in the big girl tub later and I'm on the road to recovery! If only our dvd player had been hooked up (or you know, found in the pile of box rubble) and I could have watched The West Wing...

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I think Victoria Beckham is an unattractive woman. I'm sure she's got a hot body, but her face is just ugly and her hair is so severe! She's not my spice girl of choice.

Don't mind me...the cold has taken over my brain! Things stopped making sense 4 hours ago!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Houston-we have cereal! The photos are a riot. We'll upload some over the weekend so you can all play along in the battle of Heather versus the slightly less sleepless monster. This stuff must taste gross given the look on his face, but he's catching on now and is starting to get the fact that we swallow food, not mush it all over instead. too funny!

I've got a third secret pregnancy now. It is still not you or me though, no worries!

Making some predictions now.
I'm taking Brooke in American Idol. I don't see television, but I've seen her perform once and I like her, so she's my gal. Sadly for her, I'm only right every other year and I picked Jordan Sparks. She will likely go the way of Katherine McPhee-second place is first loser.
For DWTS I would like to take Marlee Matlin because she's from the West Wing. However, she's deaf and so this gig is going to be up eventually. I think I'll take Jason Taylor because he's hot. Why not?
And I don't think Sarah Chalke (Second Becky) is the mother on How I Met Your Mother. Just an observation. and how excited and I that Scrubs is getting picked up for an eight season by ABC. I love that show. It is funnier than anyone anywhere gives it credit for.

I've become obsessed with playing scrabble online on facebook. if you want to play with me, I'm more than happy to play. I'm always playing at least three games at a time...though Jen's silly husband (we don't say stupid-it isn't nice) isn't willing to play with me :(

Great dinner last night with Julie! Who knew that working late could have perks. Of course, after dinner I went to a meeting where two of the eight people actually fell asleep. Yeah-my job is so important...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

best quote ever
"mothers are the ones who love you even when you pull their hair"
I love my mother! call yours!
my. kid. never. sleeps.
this means I never sleep.
I like sleep.
I miss sleep.
I'm tired.

On another note, my bracket is in and I've picked UCLA to win it all. I'm not sure why, but I have. That said, I still pull for Tennessee every year because they are the Volunteers and my summer work-study student goes to school there. Little Megan (that's what we called her) was a sweetheart, so I assume all Vols are too. Plus that yummy Peyton Manning...

and football talk leads me to this troubling statement...I planned an event on draft weekend. I know! Unheard of! I already had to come in for a big part of the day, so planned a new meeting at the same time to take away an additional Saturday away from the baby. sadly, this means I'll miss at least the first 10 draft picks. This is Grant's first draft! I would so much rather miss Easter. Draft day is a family holiday for us. I hate how I'm letting my boys down.

Easter Parade is this weekend in our neighborhood. G-man is too small to participate in the egg hunt or march in the parade, but we'll toss him in a stroller and take him down to show him off and hopefully meet some more people. I think he might wear his I like turtles outfit. It looks like a baby Lilly outfit-Emilie will especially like it!

I work for the Catholics-I should have today and monday off. If I never switched jobs, I would have to day and monday off. I miss my old work. I'm quite literally the only person on the floor of my house at work. I'm thinking of trying to organize an Easter candy hunt for those of us left behind.

Jumping back to bracket talk, my friend JT picked UNLV to win it all. She's obviously not a sports person and tends to pick based on funny names and good school colors. This time she picked using UNLV as an acronym...U. Need Louis Vitton. Seriously. This is why I simply adore her. I took Temple in round one because of Alexander. I hear he's having a horrible, terrible, very bad day. I also took Clemson because I think all schools should have orange as a school color and ND because I'm keeping the Catholic school pride alive.

Lunch meeting in a few. I can only assume it will be a soup day because the students aren't here but the cafeteria is open. This means they'll try to pawn off all kinds of gross things on us in Faculty Dining. As long as the soup isn't clam chowder I'm all set.

Hoping to get my hair cut tomorrow. I've got a half an inch of roots. Motherhood is slowly killing me. I don't shave my legs everyday anymore-which I've been doing since I was 12 and the only time I've ever had distinctive roots showing was in my first trimester of pregnancy when I couldn't get my hair colored. I look terrible.

I know of two secret pregnancies right now. It is the coolest! It isn't you or anyone any of you know (and trust me-it isn't me) but both are super exciting. I can't wait to hug these girls when I officially know. I've got a bunch of other pregger friends (I would have said knocked up-but that bugs Julie :) ) too. It is a fun time. I hope they all sleep a lot now.

God I'm tired! I love him, but he is killing me. I would estimate about 5 hours sleep total in the last 3 days. No more than an hour at a time. He goes to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully they let him start some cereal. I think the kid is hungry. and my boobies sure could use some help!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I'm stuffing envelopes for the day while another woman raises my child. explain to me again how life is fair?
"Noone puts Baby in the corner!" Pray for Patrick!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Happy Grant news! Grant is proud to announce he has officially moved into not only his new house, but his new room and his new big boy crib! He misses sleeping in the room with his Mommy and Dad, but is happy to be away from his big mouth kitties who like to wake him up! Sleep tight everyone!
Bye-Bye Brett! Bring on Aaron Rodgers baby! Sorry Taylor, know he was your "keeper" but I'm so happy to see him go! YAHOO!