Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hey Friends! I know many of you wonder why I haven't had too much to say in recent days. Things here have been rather stressful. Work for me has been a nightmare. But, the good news is that is all over! I've found a new job that I'm really excited about and yesterday I got to walk into the bosses office and hand over my letter of resignation and leave. I'm so excited!!!!!

So, now I'm taking a few weeks off before I start my new position. It is still in Alumni Relations, so I'll be similar things to what I was doing. I'm happy and excited and really looking to taking a little bit of time off to spend with Grant-man. So, if you're around where I live in the next few weeks and want to spend some time with me and the little dude, we would love to see you! We're going to work hard to finish getting the house unpacked and things put away, work on mommies tan and keeping Grant baby white, and having some fun!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The average American eats 160 bowls of cereal per year. I eat zero bowls of cereal per year. turns out, just like the song, I am anything but ordinary!

side note:Grant has started sleeping through the night! six nights in a row so far. He still wakes up sometimes, but usually just puts himself right back to sleep. last night, from 2:00 to 2:45 he played with his musical Ocean Wonders toy in his crib. I don't care if I never hear that song again! He's such a cutie!

Monday, June 16, 2008

If you get a second today, go online and watch Luke Russert on the Today Show this morning talking to Matt Lauer. What an amazing kid. Most of you know my fondness for Tim Russert and Taylor and Jen will tell you I spent much of my weekend watching tributes to him--even letting Grant be in the room with television so I could keep watching. When you see Luke and hear him talk about his dad you just feel so happy for him having 22 years of that incredible relationship and simply devastated at the same time knowing he has to make the rest of his life's journey without his father as a compass. Matt even called him "Tim" accidentally at one point and the kid took it in stride. The photo of him on the Meet the Press set Sunday is enough to make anyone's heart ache. I'll keep Tim as my news husband even though he has passed. Anderson Cooper can wait a little longer-Tim's shoes are far to big for him to fill!
I'm a sleepy girl! Grant has been doing some weird things with sleeping lately. The good news is, he's pretty much dropped that last nighttime feeding (or at least it comes after 4:00 am). He still wakes up around 2-3 every morning and on good days he goes right back to sleep and on bad days, like the last few, he's up crying his head off! Saturday night he was up from 3:30 until 5:00 and cried to the point that Taylor closed Grant's bedroom windows for fear of waking the neighbors! Kids got a nice set of lungs when the spirit moves. This morning he was up for the day at 5:00. I got him out of bed at 5:30 and he was more than ready for his nap when I dropped him off at daycare a little before 8:00. I wish I could have laid down for an hour or two of sleep too! Oh well!

Today is golf day at my old job. I miss it!

Happy Belated Father's day to any of my readers. Granty got Dad a tie. Daddy gets a tie for Daddy day. It is how it goes. He also made him this neat little thing of nuts at daycare that Taylor has been enjoying munching on all weekend. His big gift was this fancy sprinkler think that he wanted-though we still have no lawn. not bad for a little boy with no allowance!

we went to RI to visit with Taylor's family yesterday. we went to some seafood place for lunch (I happily had one of the few non-seafood dishes-the "Angus" burger!). G's doctor gave him the all clear to start trying some finger foods and so after his jar of "Country Dinner" (chicken and brown rice) he munched on the potato from some of my fries. He was so excited to gum on those bad boys! He probably got less than a half of a teaspoon of actual potato, but it help him busy and happy through most of the meal, and Grammie was excited because I let her hold him and feed him yummy fry guts too! He also tried his first cheerios this weekend and made quick work of those. watching his face as he tries new things is amazing! still, the best face was when he grabbed my mint chip ice cream cone on Memorial Day. The mint and the cold really shocked him but he was so excited and went back for as much as mom would let him have. Aunt Jenny has the photos on her camera (old school film!), so when they get back I'll share them with the group.

I skipped book club on Saturday to hang out with the boys and I just got an email that says we aren't meeting again until September because summer is too hard. I'm so bummed! I haven't been since October -mostly because we have had a bad time with scheduling. I've only missed two meetings. It seems so wrong that it will be almost a full year. I love those girls, but more the fun conversation that come with the group. Plus, i get to read a book for me! for fun! and it has no pictures! I think maybe Grant and I will go to the library tonight and look at books for mommy. Grant has a library in his room (seriously-the kid has well over 200 books on his shelf I would guess) and is about to inherit all of the books me and my brother Rob had as kids when we go to Maine in July. Holy Moly! We're going to need a whole new room just for books! We'll have to finish our basement sooner than we planned!

There is a random meeting in the room next to me right now about FBI background checks. I love sitting right next to the conference room!

how are you my readers? I miss you!