Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! I slept through much of the first birthday, even forgetting a few times it was my birthday in all of the post reunion exhaustion. I took a mulligan and decided to actually celebrate Friday as my birthday. Taylor took the day off (I already had the day off), so we sent Grant to daycare and headed out to do a multitude of errands. We hit 4 different furniture stores in search of a new family room set. We had one picked out and hit a quick lunch at "Red Robin". I know, Red Robin isn't all that fancy, but I do love a really good burger, so it was my birthday treat of choice. Then, we did the unthinkable-we saw a movie! It was awesome! Second time since Grant has been born-so this was a very special birthday treat. We saw Star Trek-yup-I'm a geek and loving it! Sadly, with about 15 minutes left we got the phone call every parent dreads-Daycare calling to tell you to come pick up your sick kid. Grant spiked a fever of 102 and this has been the way of life for the past 5 days. I'm home with him again today but the fever is finally gone and he's just at the cranky phase. I think he'll be able to go back to Laura's tomorrow and I'll be able to hit work again. The good news is, it wasn't last week when I couldn't be out. The bad news is, having a baby with a high temperature is so sad! Poor kiddo didn't want to do much of anything, so we just laid low all weekend. Grant discovered a Jon and Kate Plus 8 marathon on TLC and fell in love with "the babies". Every time it came on, he would cheer and yell baby! baby! it was adorable though 4 days of this can get old fast. He's not usually a tv kid at all, but this weekend he really wanted a few breaks to just sit and be still. we took the cuddle time when we could, but are happy to be getting our little guy back to his little busy self. Oh-and we did get to go out and get a new family room set on Monday morning. 4 to 6 weeks before it gets here-yeah comfy couch!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Julie!

And a Happy Mother's Day to all! Hug a mommy today-even if it isn't yours!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Hi Friends,

I've been a very bad blogger lately. I'll simply remind you that it is May. If you know me, you'll know that means I disappear for a length of time because it is Reunion. I'm about two weeks behind where I would like to be, a combination of a vacation in February and an illness that took the fam down for 10 days and an awesome wedding last weekend that took me away at the most inopportune of times. If you think I'm being a bad blogger, know I'm being an even worse mother. I missed putting G to bed the last two nights, tonight by mere minutes. I have so much mommy guilt when I'm away and so much work guilt when i'm here. Somewhere out there, I assume there is a balance-I hope someone teaches me all about it someday. I'm sure there was a memo about it I was too busy to read or a mommy and me class that I had to miss for work!

More in June!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Princess Emilie!
Hope it was a great one!