Thursday, December 30, 2010

Taylor got the Star Wars Legos game for Christmas. It's actually pretty fun to watch. I think it is just because Luke Skywalker is a pretty funny little lego man. We do a lot of legos in our house these days. I can't wait until we see Yoda.

Yes, to answer the question we've received lots, we did get stuck in the "blizzard" over Christmas. We were at a family party just a little over an hour from our house and couldn't get back. we made it about 15 minutes when we decided the roads were just too unsafe and got a hotel for the night. 22 year old Heather in a craptastic car would have pushed through (hello ice storm of 1996-who knew the highways were closed?) but 32 year old Heather in her all-wheel drive car with her young son and baby on the way realized some risks aren't worth taking. How we grown and mature as time goes on. Nothing gives you perspective like a little person kicking you from the inside, or a slightly bigger little person singing Rockin Around the Christmas Tree on repeat from the seat behind you.

Lots of exciting things happening to my friend and family over the last few weeks. My brother got engaged, as did my friend Erin. I'm excited for the both. I've heard of a very special baby coming this summer, saw pictures of two friends who have very little new babies, and my friend Amy will be delivering her last baby on Monday. Such blessings.

We had a lovely and quiet holiday. Just 5 of us at Taylor's parents on Christmas morning, which is a huge difference from my first holiday there. Even the dinner crowd was smaller this year. The intimacy of it all was nice, but we missed familiar faces around the table.

I really want to read a book before the baby gets here. I know that the next year of my life will be a total blur and not even a little bit about me, so this is one of the things I want to do for myself before she arrives. This, and start getting regular pedicures before her birth so I don't have to apologize to any nurses this time about the chipped polish!

Taylor just became a "true Jedi". Don't know what that means, but it made enough noise that I looked up.

The basement is almost finished. The carpet when in today. It looks so great. I wish we could leave it completely empty! No mess and no cleaning! But I know that both of my boys will really enjoy that space. Taylor is still waiting for his TV to arrive, and I'm still waiting for the media crap that is cluttering up my living room to make the move downstairs. Seriously-it looks like Best Buy in there! Another week and we should be making the move. Calling to check on the statues of our furniture tomorrow. Can't wait to see them get that sectional down our stairs...should be fun to watch!

I know I don't blog much anymore. Probably because of facebook in large part. Also, because I was hiding my pregnancy for so long from the world. 2010 was an interesting year for me. The early part was all about healing from the lose of our baby, the middle was all about trying to remember how to move on, and the last half has been about enjoying our family of three before we expand and the dynamic changes so dramatically. I guess because I can't even remember life before Grant, I'm nervous about what is to come when Beanie gets here. Grant is such an amazing kid, I'll really miss getting to give him my undivided attention. I know there will be plenty of love to go around, and that a sibling is probably the greatest gift I'll ever give him, and to be clear-no one wants a baby more than I want this baby-but I do feel a little like I would like the next 12 weeks to slow down so I can savor every last moment we have together before the next phase of life begins. If you're looking for me, I'll be watching Sid with my son cuddled up on the couch.