Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adding this video special for Auntie Emilie.  Both of my boys are obsessed with Taylor Swift.  It's all they'll listen to in the car.  Luke is stuck on the song "Trouble" and it's adorable to see him, wherever he is, start thinking about it and just start singing/yelling "Trouble, Trouble, OH!" at the top of his lungs.  He was doing it the whole time we were in Disney.  Showing him the video on YouTube was all that got me through one particularly difficult meltdown.

Grant changes it up between what his favorite song is of the moment.  I suppose he's predisposed to being at TSwift fan since our special song, the one I've been singing to him since near the day he was born is "The Best Day".  Take a listen, I've now got a five year old, and it's remarkable how perfect the song captures motherhood.  But, Grant's favorite songs waffle between "We are Never, Ever Getting Back Together", "Twenty Two" and "Begin Again", which is the song of the week.  We took this video a few months ago in the "Never Getting Back Together" stage because he knows Auntie Em is also a fan of Taylor and he wanted to share his love with her.  Hope you enjoy Emilie!  You might be far in distance, but you and all of his Aunties are never far from his heart!

PS. Luke helped me record this fine piece of video.  You can hear him yelling "Cheese" in the background, because he loves the camera and thinks I'm taking his photo!