Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It is supposed to be 70 degrees today! Yahoo! I'm just about to go get lunch and I can't wait to get outside. My work study just came in wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Now students are kind of dumb, but even still it must be a sign that spring is here!

I have an event in Boston tonight and the people I work with are acting like I've asked them to drive to the moon instead of to the city. It will take less than an hour. It is literally on the road the exit drops you on from the highway. You simply go four blocks and park. It couldn't be easier and I'm tired of the complaining. Move to Machias Maine if you never want drive in traffic. I didn't drive on the highway until I was leaving for college. There isn't a stop light for about 50 miles and multi-lane roads don't exist. Suck it up people! Carpool and then one person can drive and three others can give her a pep talk about the big bad city. Give me a break!


jeniffercox said...

How did it go? And what would people think of Colorado, where you nearly have to drive 20 minutes to get most places...and when you are close it still takes that long because of traffic?!?!

Heather said...

It went really well, thank you! I had happy trustees and a happy president, so I'm a happy girl!