Sunday, May 06, 2007


Stockard Channing--check off another one! Also, Ed or Larry was on Grey's the other night.

Taylor's watching the GOP Presidential Candidates Debate right now. It is a riot-there are about 12 people debating, and it is hysterical. Most of the people can't even be identified, even by my geeky husband.

We had our open house today. We had five families come through in an hour, so that is a win. Poor Grace is sick, so having the stress and drama of all of this going on hasn't been good for her.

Oh! Mitt Romney, the flying Mormon! Massachusetts is happy to see you run for president, mostly just because it means you're off Beacon Hill!

So we didn't do anything this weekend at all except clean. The house is pretty spotless right now. We've got flowers all around, we even staged the porch so it looked like we were having a dinner party. It was cute. Cross your fingers to hope one of these people wants to buy the house, I hate being this neat!

Rick's, our local ice cream place, opened this weekend. Now this is a little hole in the wall place that you go for a burger and a shake, but for some reason are proudly hyping that they have free wi-fi. Why on earth would you bring your computer to a place like this? The few picnic tables they have are always sticky and gross. It really is about the last place on the planet you would worry about checking your email, but I suppose if you want to, you now have that option. I'm going to try to convince Taylor we should walk down there later today and get a baby ice cream cone. Yum! Maybe he'll come if I tell him he can bring his laptop...


esm said...

Cool- thanks for the Birthday wishes :)
We also watched the debates :)

jeniffercox said...

We watched them too...and the Democrats a couple weeks is way too early to deal with the election!!!

I got Ainsley Hayes being interviewed about CSI New York tonight!