Thursday, June 21, 2007

I have so many things I want to blog about that I've been afraid to take the time to write. A brief overview of possible topics
  • The AFI Top 100 Movie list
  • The "Girls Maternity" section at Old Navy
  • The best Father's Day gift in the planet
  • 5 hours in the back of a station wagon with no air conditioning

Taylor got the Nintendo Wii for Father's Day because the kid and I are the greatest. I have to say, it is a ton of fun! For those who might not know (Julie), the controller measures your movements and mimics them on screen. For example, you swing the controller like a bat when playing baseball. It is the coolest. My right arm was actually tired after the first day we got it because we played so much. Taylor got me my own controller, so now we battle it out in bowling, golf, and baseball. I'm the better bowler, which is awesome because I stink in real life.

Jenny (who is now happily in DC and just a few hundred miles down the road, and more importantly, in my time zone) and I watched part of the AFI top 100 movies last night. I have some serious issues with this list. West Side Story and The Sound of Music were both below 40. Forrest Gump was in the low 80's. I mean, a girl is to believe that Bridge over the River Kwai is better than West Side Story? It is a classic love story and it is so beautifully done. It is a timeless movie and nothing blows up! When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way is all I've got to say. I wish I had live blogged-Jen can tell you that I was fired up and kept interrupting our first real conversation in weeks to complain about the list. Not cool.

Krissy is in Bermuda. I'm so jealous! Her dad finished the race, coming in 6Th in his class. This is very respectable, especially for their first time doing the race. 6 months ago I thought our family might be there too-but how times change quickly. Now that I'm hoarding my vacation time for the kiddo's arrival, I'm glad I didn't book a weekend trip to go with her. I hope she has a ball! She'll be here in two weeks and we'll be relaxing with a good book and our feet up. I love Krissy vacation week!

I had to use a Netflix as my proof of residency last night to get a new library card. It was pretty sad, but I haven't changed my address on anything really at this point. Luckily, my work ID also has the capability to be a library card, so it didn't end up being a huge deal, but I did have to go home and find something with my new town address. Thank god we're movie whores or I never would have been able to find my book (which was numbered wrong in the card catalog).

I've got a ton of work to do. I'm working tomorrow and taking Monday off instead. I'm looking forward to the peace and quiet of the office. It should be a relaxing day and I hope to get a ton done.

My car is at the mechanic getting new brakes right now. I can't go see my mom until I get it fixed, so it seemed like it was now or never. I'm so tired of putting money into our cars, and Taylor needs his AC fixed. oh well.

If you haven't heard from me, my work email has been up and down (and is way down right now) at work. It is very frustrating! It takes email 24 hours to get down the hall some times. Not cool!


jeniffercox said... least we were able to pick out 4 of the top's better than none I guess :)

esm said...

wait- I wanted to hear about the 5 hours in the stay-way with no a/c! Where is that story? :)