Thursday, December 06, 2007

What a long day! Grant didn't do well sleeping last night so Mommy didn't get great sleep. Normally, I would have just gone back to sleep after I fed him at 7 like he did, but I knew that the little people were coming over to fix our broken heater at 9, so I got him cleaned up and back to sleep, took a super fast shower, and got the living room furniture all moved so they could fix things. I thought about running out to the grocery store or something so I could be out of their way, but Grant was tired so we just stayed home. It was a good thing we did-because they were literally here for the entire day! That would have been a hell of a lot of groceries! So, not only did we not have heat in the living room, we had a pair of strangers, so Grant and I hung out upstairs in the bedroom all day. Like it isn't hard enough to entertain an infant that you can't really lay down because of the spitting problem all day, try doing it in a bedroom with no toys, no radio, no computer, nothing! We bonded and had fun playing things like practice sticking out your tongue like Mommy, but that gets old for everyone after about 19 seconds. They just left at 4:00 and god bless them, we have heat! Grant is down for a nap (in his bassinet like a big boy) and now it is time to start dinner-too late for the nap I wanted this morning at 7:00. Oh well, the joys of motherhood!

Grant and I had a big adventure yesterday. I took him to visit my coworkers. It was our first time going out to someplace other than Grammies or the Doctors. I wouldn't say it went well, but it wasn't a total disaster. He was super cute and had a nice visit while he was sleeping, but then decided to wake up and be someone who is absolutely not my child! He was hungry-so I fed him-and then changed him because he spit up all over himself (and Mom) and he screamed the whole time. He is such a good baby usually-only cries when he is getting changed, but not yesterday! It was like he could smell the bad karma all over the place and wanted out. I felt like I was getting judged by people because he was crying or because he spit up (not just on me, on sweet Julie who was trying to help me out!) or just because I brought a three week old baby out of the house. I did take him to new work as a trial run for going to old work, where I really care much more about the people and what they think of me, but it was a tramatic experience for both the Grant Man and I, so I think it will be a few more days before we try another major outing!

Sounds like Grant is waking up-shocking-he's been asleep for a whole 25 minutes! More later!


Anonymous said...

If that was a really bad Grant - I can't see the good one. He was great, even though he did spit up on me! That's what adopted aunts are for!


jeniffercox said...

It sounds like you are doing an awesome job, under difficult circumstances. Keep your chin up, try to get some food and rest. Grant will get used to going out, but it sounds like bonding with Mom maybe the perfect remedy from being out in the big scary world yesterday. Love to you all!

esm said...

So while you were stuck in your bedroom all day with Grant, did he sleep atall? Or does he like to stay up all day and night :) I thought maybe you could have caught up on some Dawsons Creek while you were hanging out with the little man! I seriously can't believe you did not have heat- are you SURE that wasn't justthe MacFarlane love of no heat until teh depths of the winter has set in??? I blame Taylor for the no hear :) ANy more pictures to send Auntie Em????