Friday, April 18, 2008


  • why does music sound better in the summer?
  • I love my blackberries-I love my husband!
  • first ice cold Nantucket Nectors Lemonade of the season.
  • Feta Cheese is reason enough to have G be an only child.
  • can't help singing along with my iPod today-my coworkers hate me!
  • I have inherited a second job to do while doing my own. I'm trying to cut down my hours not increase!
  • Julie is such a thoughtful friend!
  • It is a Pina Colada on the deck kind of night. If only I had chairs on the deck, or in the kitchen, or at the bar, or really anywhere in my house!
  • one hour until I get to go get my baby!
  • birthdays galore coming up in May. may buy stock in Hallmark!
  • Tina's having a boy and is naming him Connor. Glad she finally knows-I've known for weeks and been afraid I would tell her.
  • I miss my old coworkers so much!
  • Planning a trip to Italy that I'm not going on --yes--another one!
  • rediscovering my love affair with flavored seltzer water. yum!
  • blue raspberry jolly ranchers are the greatest.
  • Everybody Hurts and Spilled Perfume are my Desperado.
  • What's a Wicked Wango Card?
  • I can't see a single space of wood on my desk.
  • 80 degrees today. Grant didn't know the temperature went above 40 until last week. Gotta love New England!
  • I think I might have a tape worm.
  • I gave up the chance to have Del's today so I could wait and have it with Taylor. That's love.
  • Remember when Alanis was angry? that was great!
  • I'm making a to do list-but not actually getting anything crossed off. depressing.
  • I wish I was puddle jumping at Wheaton with Jeniffer today. Why did we spend a day doing that? Taylor lost his jacket in Knapton that day because he was distracted by the wackiness that is me and J.J.
  • I wonder when I started calling her J.J.-and why!
  • Kellen Clemens kid got kissed by the Pope yesterday. Think that makes the Jets unstoppable this year? Nah-maybe if it was the good Pope...
  • I love how country music is trendy now. where were all of you 10 years ago?
  • If Grant were allowed to watch television, tonight we would be watching the Muppets take Manhattan
  • Cleaned up on the chach at my benefits fair yesterday
  • the baby is moving up diaper sizes this week. I think he won't be a "swaddler" anymore and will be a "cruiser". it is enough to make me cry. He's a "big big boy"
  • Did you know Big Bird (and my new boss) are from Ohio?
  • Time to find out what Barbara is having for dinner so I can copy cat (Pizza-easy enough)
  • One of two left in the building.


esm said...

Can we see some more pictures of the big Big boy?

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Pen Drive, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

jeniffercox said...

It was originally "Jen's Jeep"...the name stuck for me...the Jeep still doesn't have a name :) Love you! Happy belated anniversary!