Tuesday, July 31, 2007

By the way, the baby is whatever pronoun I feel like using at the time. I switch randomly between he and she, because my child is not an "it". The baby has a sex, just because we don't know it, doesn't mean we should brand her with the term "it". So, if I use one or the other, I'm not giving you a cryptic view into my womb, just being my random self! Thought that was worth clearing up :)

Also-I finished Harry. I know Emilie hasn't started yet, so don't talk about it here, but I'm willing and excited to talk about it with anyone at anytime!
Back from our weekend getaway to Maine. Nothing like 16 hours in a car in three days that says vacation! Still, we had a nice visit with my parents. It was cool and rainy most of the weekend, but we did get a chance to go walk on the beach, which is always nice. Sadly, it was so foggy there (but sunny at my house just 5 miles away) that we couldn't really see the ocean, but we knew it was there so all was well. Ask Taylor if the water was cold...

Not too much else to report. I feel in love with a house that we didn't get. It was somewhat traumatic for me, but I'm over it now. We're still looking and hoping. If you know anyone in our area, ask them to put their house up for sale so we can buy it please!

We have a wedding this weekend-Ross's big sister is getting married. It should be a fun time as the whole family is going. Alex and Emilie will be up, and I haven't seen them in forever, so that will be a nice visit. I'm off Friday, so I'll be doing some dress shopping and hoping for the best. I'm huge now-and just this week, my butt has decided it should try to grow to the size of my belly. Yeah-pregnancy is gobs of fun.

Work has been no fun lately. I've been working pretty late in an effort to get more done. August is the scariest month of the year in higher ed. It doesn't make sense, because it isn't really the busiest (though it is pretty busy), but it represents the end. It is the end of summer, the end of the rest, the end of the quiet and signals that in a few short weeks, the students will be back. Yes, we all do our jobs for the betterment of the lives of the students, but we like it when they aren't here. I enjoy not fighting for a parking spot, waiting in line in the cafeteria, the peace and quiet, and not inventing jobs for work study students. I'm just spouting off-I actually think that the students give the campus the energy it needs to come to life and be productive. Things get done in the summer, but not like when the kids are here to keep us motivated. And, hopefully our graphic design intern will be back to make my life happy and easy once more. Still, August is a scary month...ask the poor people in student affairs-to them it is the absolute worst!

Must work...three day week for Heather!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Things I miss in my current life...(in no particular order)
  • muffin tins
  • automatic ice maker
  • a basement
  • the cord to the printer
  • surround sound
  • lunch with the cool kids
  • cookbooks
  • a garbage disposal (and if they were in order-this would likely be number one)
  • Tupperware in a variety of sizes
  • bread pans
  • pictures on the wall
  • a backyard
  • tomato plants
  • red wine
  • hardwood floors
  • central vac
  • blue cheese
  • saucers
  • a land line
  • Sunday's not designed around open house times
  • a kitchen table
  • hot dogs
  • a sunroof
  • Dr. Mario
  • organized chaos
  • shopping at Ann Taylor
  • stationary
  • a football jersey that fits
  • Taylor mowing the yard on a Sunday morning
  • the ability to make waffles
  • sleeping on my stomach
  • a mailbox
  • Rick's Summer Drive-In and their free Wi-Fi
  • Playing the game at big y

The baby loved seeing the Harry Potter movie last night. He was dancing in there, trying to distract me with all of his movements. Me, I was just excited that the theatre had power.

Friday, July 20, 2007

There are very few things in life that annoy me as much as the automatic hand dryer. Not cool people, just not cool.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I just had a great peach for breakfast. Peaches are the greatest!

I'm working from home this morning and then heading out to a clam bake in a world far far away. I love event days, but I'm not really all that jazzed about driving three hours to get there. Oh well, a day in the car and at the beach is better than any day behind a desk!

I had a great time with Krissy this past weekend. We went sailing a few days, got pedicures, ate ice cream and just enjoyed being girls! We usually get about three days a year together, so we like to make the most of them. I came home nice and relaxed and with a great tan! Now I've just got to get some girl time scheduled with JJ and life will be good!

I'm off to find something that makes me look both casual and professional, while keeping in mind that I own about a dozen things...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Emilie and I like pop culture. We read people and visit eonline. Right now, I'm thinking if we had a third (you know, like another sister-in-law who was cool, for example), we could have our team in the world series of pop culture. I've always said I think everyone has a sport they could be award winning in, I guess I always thought my sport would be curling or badmintion, but now I've found my place in the world. Who knew all the reruns of Full House would come to be useful!

I'm going to see Krissy tomorrow. Her family is up, so I'm going to spend a few days with them at their summer house. I think tomorrow we're going sailing, so that should be lots of fun. Of course, that means I'm going to be wearing a maternity bathing suit, which is anything but cool, but I think I'll live! Still no more blogging this week.

There isn't really much to report from this week. Taylor and I didn't get the house we made an offer on. We're bummed, but both doing okay. We've been playing the Wii a lot. Taylor is obsessed with Zelda and I'm a fan of Animal Crossing. Yeah-we have no life.

Bring It On was just the answer to a question on the world series. I'm a very happy woman right now!

One of my coworkers quit today. I'm really proud of her, I know it wasn't an easy decision, but I do think it was the right choice for her. I'm sad to see her go, but I look at it like just another email buddy.

Oh-Shoop so has to go on the baby mix! Yeah, that came to me when they were just doing the "ass song" category. I love VH1

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy 5th of July! Okay, so I missed the 4th, but I'm sure back in the day, the party continued to the 5th, so have a beer and play with a sparkler and call it a day! We did have a nice 4th. We watched the competitive eating hot dog contest at Conney Island. Kobi had it until he had the unfortunate "reversal" problem. Now, I'm all for American pride, especially in terms of sports, but Kobi is someone I'll always root for over the rest and so I was sad to see him lose to that darn Joey Chestnut.

After watching the eating, we went out with friends to a late lunch and to watch a parade. Well, we were able to watch the parade from lunch, otherwise we probably wouldn't have bothered. Seriously, 8 fire engines and some old, fat, line dancers does not a parade make! We had some ice cream and came home. Then we got a very random call from a friend we hadn't seen in years (Dudek) that he was going to be driving through town and did we want to get an ice cream, because he had a coupon! It was fun and we got to meet his not really new anymore, but new to us because we're crummy friends and never see him, girlfriend. She was a peach! It was a good day, and ice cream twice in one day is really my dream, so I was extra happy!

This morning we went to our big doctor's appointment. Okay folks, we've decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We like the surprise! We want the surprise! I'm sure the kiddo won't mind coming home from the hospital in something green. Actually, depending on the day, we'll probably just bring him/her home in babies first Patriots jersey and call it a gender neutral day! It was awesome to do the ultrasound. Last time we had one, it was because there was a problem and the baby was only 8 weeks old, and quite literally looked like a rice krispy. Now we've got a real, human, half pound baby! The kiddo was good and wiggled for the camera and let us get some good photos. Unfortunately for you, the cord from the printer got separated from the printer in the move, so we can't scan in the photos right away.

The rest of the doctors visit was uneventful. I finally added some weight, up two pounds, which puts me back exactly where I started. I'm almost halfway there, and more than happy to not be carrying the 10 to 13 pounds they say I should have gained by now. The excuse to eat double ice cream is helpful too! So, I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep tonight-no worries that something is wrong and hopefully no more dreams that Drew Lachey is Taylor's brother! Yeah, I had some seriously weird dreams last night!

HSM soundtrack is a great idea! I'm going to steal a copy from you, Emilie, next time we see each other! Also added to the mix will be a song from the Lizzy McGuire soundtrack, Rascal Flats and Vanilla Ice.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I want to make a mix for my iPod for giving birth. I don't have lots of good ideas yet, but I'm a music girl and really think it will help me focus. Right now, I've got the Spice Girls (yeah-it's spice girl day), Aerosmith and Eminem. Your suggestions are welcomed. Oh, and I plan to listen to this with headphones so the doctors don't think I'm a nut, and so the baby doesn't have to hear any explicit lyrics.
It's like 1997, when I really liked the Spice Girls...well, it isn't like 1997, but I did really like the Spice Girls. God I miss Jim!