Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I was all wrong on the Gisele on the dancing with the stars thing. Sorry if I sent some of you down the wrong path. I guess it was wishful thinking on my part!

So Alexander becomes unemployed today...I can't believe he leaves so soon. While we rarely see each other, he is one of my favorite people on the planet. We're going to get a web cam so he can meet the baby once s/he is born. This will also work out well for Jenny for just such a reason.

Speaking of Jenny, after a near two year hiatus, we're going to see each other next week! I don't think anyone realizes how special this is. I feel myself withering away sometimes without good friends around. I have nice local people who I like and care about, but the girls are something all together different. I'm looking forward to a nice weekend-even if the poor thing has to sleep on the couch!

I'm having a lazy day. I have an obscene amount of work to do today (and every day for the next month or so), but I can find no motivation. It all started with both our email and database going down for the morning. I came in pumped up to do things, and ended up stuffing envelopes, and now I'm in an envelope stuffing kind of mood! I'm hoping it will pass after lunch...

Last preseason game tomorrow night! Outstanding!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Turns out I missed it...I've actually only 97 days to go until my date. Oops! Well, I'm sure I did something special to commemorate the occasion!

BBU (thank you Emilie!),,20053528,00.html
Turns out they named the kid John Edward Thomas Monyahan. No Brady in there-if I were daddy, that would equate to no child support!

In other Brady hottie news, Gisele is rumored to be announced tomorrow as one of the dancing with the stars dancers. Good! Maybe she'll stay away from Tommy in her fancy VS undies and he can focus on the game!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm having a 100 days party for myself next week. A week from Monday... (we don't have a calendar in the apartment, or I would give you the date). Hope you can attend!

Friday, August 24, 2007

(Baby Brady Update)

William and Jonathan are the two leading contenders for Baby Brady's first name. Tom and Bridget wanted to name the baby something Irish. All of the people they have working for them, no one googled this? William is of English decent people! Jonathan, well that is Hebrew. Someone should get fired over this Irish leak. Of course, until they release the kid from the hospital and sign the papers, the baby doesn't have to have a name so we may still baby Declan! Let's hope not, Declan Mac won't do!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I've waited two weeks since my last post. I begged for ideas for our 200th post and planned a blogger blackout until someone shared a suggestion. I got nothing! I spent some time thinking of things that were worthy of such an important milestone. Some included...
  • the almost one year anniversary of
  • a top ten list of things Alexander might miss or should do while in France
  • a top ten list as to why this August is better for Ross than last August
  • My favorite moments in the Harry Potter book (because I'm still not done talking about it)
  • Top baby name suggestions

Really, there were many more thoughts, but I wanted the readers to decide. Well, time and fate have decided for you. The 200th entry in my blog is now dedicated to the yet to be named Moynihan-Brady baby.

Yes, this baby has been much anticipated. First, this is the child that will destroyed Tommy's political career. I've given up on talking about politics on here, so that is all I'll say, but that is the end of President Brady. This baby also has one amazing gene pool! Bridget isn't my favorite person, nor is Tom for that matter, but they are both attractive as heck and this baby should have a string of endorsement deals before he is even released from the hospital. As soon as he has a name, that website will be bought (though hopefully one of their publicist is smart enough to do this before the name is announced) and should it be availible-I'm sure it will be used for evil instead of good! I can't wait!

Now earlier in the week, Tommy was saying he wanted some time off when the baby was born. Miraculously, this child was born two days later. I firmly believe that the baby was scheduled-by either C-section, or induced labor, so Brady knew when he made that statement that the baby would be coming mid-week, or as I like to call it-preseason. There is no way Brady was making a statement that bold and planning on missing the home opener, which is also a divisional rival, and a team that could easily be in AFC playoff contention come January. He doesn't say it-Coach B doesn't let him get away with saying it. This was carefully choreographed so Brady looks like a great dad, but is back in pads when it counts. Do I think he'll play on Friday-yes, I do. I think he'll head back to Cali Saturday morning and miss the whole next week and the 4th preseason game, but who cares about that? No chance he plays a down in that game even if he is here. Friday night's game is nationally televised (thank god-no more Randy Cross!) and so Brady will be there and he'll have some contrived statement about how amazing fatherhood is already and he'll compare the size of the baby to the size of the ball. He'll flash his aw-schucks dimples and we'll all swoon. Brady is nothing if he isn't a media darling and knocked up ex-girlfriend and hot supermodel current girlfriends won't stand in the way.

It should be said that Baby Mac is due in December. I don't think there will be a press release, but I do believe Taylor is planning on taking some time off to spend with the family. If you're curious about what we'll be naming the kid, keep an ear to the news today. Baby Mac will likely be following in the footsteps of whatever Baby Brady is named.

The real question...does Bridget dress the baby in a Tom Brady jersey for that great photo of the three of them coming out of the hospital tomorrow. Baby Mac won't be wearing such a baby of mine is wearing the jersey of a quarterback!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

How well do you know Tiki?
We're getting close to our 200th post. Start submitting your ideas for subject matter now!

It is the most beautiful New England day today. The humidity has finally broken, so you can breathe a little! My hair is at a fairly normal size, so that is a win for me, as I had my first official meeting with our new President today and wanted him to be able to look me in the eyes instead of searching for my face under the layers of frizz. It is the kind of day that lets you know, despite being 85, that fall is right around the corner and you should enjoy these moments because the end is near and it will be mere days before you are reaching for a fleece jacket, or even a snow shovel.

My mood is directly tied to the weather some days, and today is one of those days. I'm in such a great mood, despite being totally screwed at work. I've got no chance at catching up, but I can't be worried or even annoyed today. My windows are open and the breeze is blowing the piles of papers off my desk and I'm still just a happy girl.

The baby and I are listening to Sorcerer Radio online. I'm teaching here all of the music of Disney so when she gets here, she will feel comfortable with the sounds she will hear so often and she can start begging Daddy to take her on her first trip with her first words. This half hour is sounds of Epcot, so I think we are listening to the music of Morocco (or Meg's bathroom) right now. You can almost guarantee that we'll be rocking out to the sounds of Off Kilter, the Canadian bagpipers before the hour is over!

Football tomorrow night. Yahoo! I've already started the shopping. I need to pick up Dr. Pepper for Taylor and something light for dinner, so it doesn't interfere with the game time snacking. We should probably have a salad so the baby actually gets something nutritious. Maybe we'll get buffalo chicken salads from someplace, then it counts as healthy (lettuce) and football (buffalo)!

Monday, August 06, 2007

we had a nice family time this weekend. It was Ross's sister's wedding, so we all piled into the in laws house for the weekend. The wedding was a lot of fun. I was bummed, because with this sore ankle I wasn't really able to dance (it has re-swollen :( ) But, Emilie and David sure had a ball dancing! It was a great time, but I've realized weddings are much more fun when you can partake in the open bar!

This weekend was likely the last time we'll see Alexander for a few months too. He leaves in early September for his International MBA program in France (insert your own Alex in France joke here). We're so excited for him-and jealous-what a great thing to do. Plus, unlike Taylor and I with the world's longest graduate school, we'll be done in something like 13 months. He'll be back in the states in late December, just in time to meet his little niece or nephew. I'm sure the baby with think Auntie Em and Uncle Alex are just the coolest, so she/he will be happy that he'll be home in time for Christmas!

I'm going to have to go to a really crummy work event on Sunday night. Seriously-a semi-professional woman's softball game. Yeah-not much fun at all. Hope for good weather at least and maybe some yummy snacks!

I'm so hungry today! I haven't been able to get enough to eat. Yesterday I made Taylor stop and get me an Awful Awful on the way home, claiming that the baby needed a piece of his RI heritage. Yes, it was a stretch, but sometimes a girl needs ice cream and I had spent the morning dealing with a weepy MIL, so I had earned the darn thing! I'm trying some Italian chicken bake thing for dinner-it is from Giada, so who knows how it will turn out!

We had a blackout today at work. At the same time, our copier/fax machine broke, my phone died for the afternoon, and food service took our coffee maker. I don't know if I've ever felt more like we should just call it a day and head home. We again have power (as you can tell by the useful computer work), but going home still sounds like a nicer idea, doesn't it?

Four days until the Patriots game! Stupid NFL network! The Hall of Fame game was on last night and I missed it because we don't get that channel. I hate the makers of cable/satellite/whomever took away football from me!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The first preseason Patriot's game of the season is August 10th. To you and me, THAT IS NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT! Happiness is chips and mango salsa, curling up on the couch with a boy (I guess my husband will do), and the Patriots!

Del's! It is possible we can now get Del's close to where we work! This is a huge development in life-as before now, you had to travel over an hour for this delicious and refreshing treat! Yeah Del's! I'll be doing more research this afternoon when I go back to the garage to pick up my (again) broken down car! Yahoo for Del's!