Monday, November 26, 2007

First day home alone with the kid today...what a long day! Taylor has a late meeting tonight, so we're looking at like 13 hours of bonding time. My only goal of the day was to take a shower and I'm proud to say I accomplished this by noon. It is amazing how priorities shift so fast! Right now Grant is napping-but I'm holding him-so I'm blogging with just one hand-not easy! I've got about 15 good minutes until we restart the eat, pooh, sleep cycle. Oh, and probably spit up-we're on outfit 7 or so today! And by the way, daytime television is terrible! I can't wait until Grant is big enough to go out!

I have the best friends in the world. My old work friends just called to try to take me out tomorrow night. I'm not really ready for that-though I have left him on two different occasions already-but it made me feel so nice. Plus-all of you have been calling and though I'm not really good at answering just yet knowing that you are all there and are thinking of our young family means the world to us. Thank you for everything.

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