Monday, June 16, 2008

If you get a second today, go online and watch Luke Russert on the Today Show this morning talking to Matt Lauer. What an amazing kid. Most of you know my fondness for Tim Russert and Taylor and Jen will tell you I spent much of my weekend watching tributes to him--even letting Grant be in the room with television so I could keep watching. When you see Luke and hear him talk about his dad you just feel so happy for him having 22 years of that incredible relationship and simply devastated at the same time knowing he has to make the rest of his life's journey without his father as a compass. Matt even called him "Tim" accidentally at one point and the kid took it in stride. The photo of him on the Meet the Press set Sunday is enough to make anyone's heart ache. I'll keep Tim as my news husband even though he has passed. Anderson Cooper can wait a little longer-Tim's shoes are far to big for him to fill!

1 comment:

jeniffercox said...

I was going to go to the wake this afternoon...but it was 14 Metro stops and a bus ride away. I just didn't have it in me. I checked to see if the public can get into the memorial service tomorrow, but it's private, but it will be televised. I saw part of the interview replayed. What a sweet kid. So sad.