Thursday, September 03, 2009

Broadcasting live from somewhere on the way to NYC-84 I think, around Hard Hitten' New Britian! I'm on my way to the city for work today and we decided the way to travel this time was by way of something called Limoliner. Totally the coolest! so, i'm in big leather seat. there are tvs every few feet and they just started a movie. I've got my own plug for my precious laptop and most important, free wifi for the trip! sadly, this means I'll be working for my few hour ride, but I guess all things considrered that isn't so bad! I've already been offered breakfast (I had the muffin) and when the move started we all got snacks. I could get used to this!

Sadly, I think I woke up sick this morning:( I had a headache all day yesterday, but wrote it off to some chemicals in the office and dehydration (we have mice where I work and I found evidence that overnight the little shit had been all over my desk-so I had to clean like hell and refused to drink from my water bottle or coffee cup because they had been there overnight so needed to be sanitized before I could use them). But, this morning it is still here and drinking some caffine and taking some tylenol hasn't seemed to help at all and i've got a stuffy nose and a cough. Leave it to me to manage to get sick on my big night in the city and my last weekend of summer. Oh well, if I ignore it, perhaps it will go away.

And yes, while I know this is fairly ridiculous, I miss Grant already. Morning time is usually just the two of us. It is often a fire fight to get ready and out the door but we have our routine and do the same things morning after morning. I wonder how he and Dad did. I'm sure they were fine, but did he like the way Taylor cut up the fruit in his yogart? Did Taylor let him point to the picture of the boat and the sandcastle before he got him dressed? I'm sure Grant required him to put lotion on his boo-boos before he was able to move on. I'll be fine, and to be perfectly honest, I'm totally looking forard to sleeping in tomorrow and not getting up at 6:00 because that is what time my littlest alarm clock decided it was time to wake. My return trip on the limoliner isn't until 9:30 and this bad boy picks me up at my hotel, so I'll get to stay in bed until at least 8 and still have time to meet my collegues for breakfast. 8:00 am, I can't even fathum what that feels like. I was up super early this morning too, so it will feel all the greater. I've only traveled for work overnight without Grant once before and so I know the key is to be exhausted when I go to sleep so I don't stay away missing him. We're doing a bar event, so I'm sure I won't him my bed until midnight, so that plus the cold that i'm igorning should be enough for me to pass out without beeling sad. I wonder if this every goes away? He's almost two! It's hardly 24 hours and he's with dad. I go plenty of crazy work days without getting to see him at all (like last Thursday when I had a two event day and missed him waking up and going to bed) but I guess that because I sneak in and check on him and tell him i've missed him and I love him it somehow feels different. Oh well-three day weekend coming for snuggles!

Sorry that my blog has turned into all about Grant. See, I try to think about other clever fun things to write about like i did in a world before kids, but I don't really remember what that world feels like. I love this world and at all times at least 12% of my thoughts are about Grant. When I have the time to sit down and blog, which is obviously rare, my mind gets to think about all the things I don't have time to think about otherwise, which in this and most cases is Grant. I'll work on being funny again, I promise!

Taylor is drafting for my all girls fantasy football league tonight while i'm at the bar. I know, it doesn't really seem fair because he's virtually a FF professional (and has the tee-shirt to prove it) but I couldn't set the auto draft to really hit my preferences. Besides, we aren't playing for money and i only know one of these people (all the rest work at Disney) so I don't mind if I have a slight advantage. We went over my list and how I wanted to draft, so I'm sure he'll do a super awesome job. I'm bummed to be missing my first "live" draft, but am more excited to sleep in tomorrow, so it all evens out in the end!

Being on this bus reminds me of the story that my friend told me in college. Her parents were on their way to Wheaton to visit her with her little brother and sister in the back seat. they must have been about 9 and 11 or so. They came to a light and her sister looked up and into the bus they were next to as to try to see what movie they were watching. They were watching porn. Yes, porn. How random is that? And how much does it suck to have to try to explain that to your 9 and 11 year old kids? everytime i go by a bus now (and a minivan witha dvd player) I now try to play name that film and hope against hope that someday I too will find a bus watching porn. hilarious!

I've just discovered that Bermuda doesn't have snakes and Taylor and I are considereing a move. Turns out they don't just let anyone more to the island, you need a reason/connection. Lucily for me, Bermuda is the reinsurance capital of the world and my adorable husband is the reinsurance master. i knew all of this insurance nonsense would someday work out for us! I know I know, it is really important for me that Grant grow up near family and see our country before he sees the rest of the world, but it is such a quick little flight from Boston...and we're a sailing family by nature so he could see Auntie Krissy and her fam once a year when they do their race to the island and it might just be the insperation that Papa needs to get back involved...okay, so it probably won't happen but it is nice to have a dream. Just like the dream Krissy and I have about our powerball winnings...

okay-time to work on my studid HTML project. I so hate HTML! I don't really know why this is part of what I do-I'm not very good at it-and we all know it! Oh well. I guess I could check facebook just one more time before I get started...


esm said...

I didn't know you hated snakes as much as I do! We can move there together. It also is the cleanest island i have ever been to- just a lovely little gem! Have fun in NYC!

esm said...

Oh and by the way- we all know that Taylor is an Actuary, not an insurance guy, come on! :)