Friday, February 12, 2010

watching the opening ceremonies

  • Bob Costas brought the funny
  • I think the guy who made the video just got back from Disney and rode Soarin
  • why or why don't some of these countries import crappy athletes from other nations to bulk up their chances?
  • I'm looking a sport to get Grant involved in now to get him a chance at the Olympics
  • This brings me to my lifelong statement that I believe everyone has the ability to be an Olympian. How do I know that I wouldn't be good on the half pipe? curling? skiing and shooting? I've never tried-maybe this will be the year I find my sport (but I'm guessing it is white water kayaking)
  • Glad that Visa got Morgan Freeman. James Earl Jones must have been busy
  • Poor Georgian guy
  • Remember Jimmy, from the Olympics in 1998 (I think). He did skeleton. He and his dad and grandfather did the cell phone commercial with the ring tone of the song, "who's calling Jimmy"? No, that's okay. Call me and I'll sing you the jingle.
  • The Queen couldn't come and she couldn't even send one of the princes? terrible
  • Lots of Winter White this year
  • You know what they say about Vancouver...
  • Iceland can only bring 4 people? And one of them is about 60? come on now
  • Never mind Iceland, India is only sporting 3 athletes. Now that's ridiculous!
  • I miss Jodi whenever I watch the Olympics
  • Be honest, you couldn't locate Kazakhstan on a map before Borat
  • Has completely lost her voice in the past few hours. totally fine at lunch, no voice by 2. I feel like Jeniffer!
  • I wonder where Macadamia is
  • Not a fan of the new We are the World. Terrible. Just terrible.
  • there is snow in 49 of the 50 states. cool.
  • Norway! The all time winter games medal winner. and the makers of a cool ride.
  • Taylor is mean. He's making fun of my voice. Jerk-a-saur!
  • Boy, those dancers must be getting tired-we're all the way to R!
  • I want to visit South Africa
  • Wonders if Robin Sparkles will sing later tonight
  • If I were running this event, there would be mandatory flag carrier training. you've got to learn how to hold that thing-this is your moment to shine for most nations and boy are some of them blowing it!
  • Lindsey Jacob-Ellis should get a hair straightener and some better lip stick
  • Love the US hats-and Love Shawn White (don't know if that is how he spells Shawn, but it is how he should spell it!)
  • O Canada!
  • So many flip cameras!
  • I hate Nellie F. But who doesn't love Bryan Adams?
  • Grant gave out temporary tattoos with his valentine cards. I am the most hated mother in daycare.
  • wonders why they are all putting on ponchos
  • Still holding out for a Denver Olympics.
  • I want to go on my own parade of nations-in Epcot!
  • You know, I'm basically from Canada. Maine is pretty close! It's where we grocery shop! My canned corn has a label in French and English.
  • Donald Sutherland is Canadian? Does that Jack Bauer is Canadian? He runs the US Counter Terrorism Unit. This seems odd.
  • This is my song with Grant! Ordinary Miracle-It's from Charlotte's Web. I love it. And, in case there was any question, I love Grant-my little miracle. We fell in love with this song on the day he was born and if I have my wish, this will be the song we dance together to at his wedding, sometime around the 2038 Olympic Games.

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