Thursday, July 28, 2011

I don't write in my blog enough anymore. I make excuses about not having time to write, or anything substantial to say since my days are measured in diapers and fruit snacks, but really it is just me being lazy. I don't' want to be lazy anymore. I have lots of thoughts in my head and I'm tired of sharing them with the facebook world. So, I'm going to set up even more lists on facebook and block all but a few people from reading my updates and I'll send myself back here, to this blank canvas to put down my thoughts on "paper". Let's see how it goes.

We had a lovely weekend last week. Quiet swim class Saturday at home. Luke will almost always nap through swim class which means I'll miss it a lot. This makes me super sad because I love to watch Grant swim. He wears a bubble on Saturday for his lesson, but when he swims during the week at Laura's house he doesn't use any kind of floatation device. He plays with a noodle and will use it if he's going to the deep end sometimes, but most of the time it is just him doing the swimming thing. Starting swim lessons at 6 months seems silly to many friends and family, but it was definitely money well spent in my eyes. He's a little fish--and it makes me proud! Sunday we went to visit T's parents. We hit the pool there, showed Grant the sailboat, a delicious lunch, shopping with Pam. It was relaxing and fun.

Work has been trying this week. I'm not incredibly busy, which is frustrating for me. We've also got some morale issues in the office and we've kind of split into two teams. I find that frustrating. I get a lot of my energy, positive or negative, from those around me. One woman in particular is pumping off negative energy and it frustrates me. We don't live with the rest of our division, which is great most of the time, but in the summer when there are only three people in our house and one of them is a super sourpuss, it zaps you. Pushing through and trying to remain positive and find something to keep working on. Read an article this morning that reminded me that blogging is a great outlet for frustration. Hence my posting revival.

Hard to leave the boys on days when work is crabby. Also on days when the weather is amazing, as it is today. beautiful summer week. other than the tornado warning on Monday. normally i would have just ignored it, but in the wake of the last tornado that hit a mile away from us, i paid attention. must like the devastating one that hit us six weeks ago, i was literally on the streets a few towns over from ours that are still closed with downed trees and power lines when i was at the dentist. i apparently leave a trail of devastation in my wake. wow. but today looks like another beauty. can't wait to get outside for lunch to enjoy. i like thinking about G out on the swings with his little buddies on days like this. I'm jealous of his summer days-and his amazing summer tan!

thinking of starting a reality show for our student workers. something real world/road rules challenge. would be great! we've got some characters this summer, some dramatic student story lines, and another coworker and i would write great dialog. this is what i do in my head sometimes on days like this when I'm unfocused and unexcited. also, I'm going to find G a dentist and start pricing how much to move a piano from my parents house to my house. my mother might literally fall over if i make it finally happen!

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