Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i had something I wanted to blog about, but by time I opened the web page and logged in, I had forgotten what it was. I've got some serious short term memory issues today!

I had my Boston Reception last night for work and it went really well. I've got a happy boss, so that's what I call a win. I'm pretty beat today since I got home around midnight. I didn't come in until 10:00, but I couldn't really sleep, so it was kind of a wasted morning, unless of course you are Grace and you got lots of snuggle time on the couch with Mommy!

Rent-a-paloza 2007 is still well under way. I've listened to nothing but since this weekend. I've got to call my mom and tell her, I think it was the longest summer of her life when that was all I listened to when I was home from school. She was ready to kill me by August! I've never seen a parent so happy to send their kid back!

I'm homesick for my kittens today. I just want to go home and cuddle up. I've got a great picture of Liz as my background right now and she just looks so soft and lovable. Clearly, I'm still very tired!

okay...I've killed some time and I still can't remember what I actually wanted to blog about, so I'll be back later when it comes back into my head. What a space cadet!

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