Sunday, March 25, 2007

Taylor is off on his way to visit his mom and dad for the day and I'm home alone. Home alone is such a strange and rare thing. To commemorate this, I'm happily doing laundry (I had a dream that my parents were coming to visit so I had to change my sheets, so now I am washing all of my bedding today, from mattress cover to bedspread and everything in between, just in case). I took a long shower, I'm sipping coffee, and blaring Rent and singing along at the top of my lungs. Book club is this afternoon so I can visit with the girls and have yummy food. I still need to wrap my books though. Whenever someone in book club has a baby (which is often, in a year we've had five babies delivered once Amy and Suz drop theirs in the next few weeks), we have a book shower for them. We all buy cute baby books so mom can keep reading and spend time with the baby and she'll think of us and know she has lots of women thinking of her and supporting her. It is a cute tradition and today we're doubling us with two births coming. Fun stuff! Sadly, I didn't read the book at for this meeting--I took it out the library though, so that should give me some points!

Oh, it is the series of songs from Rent that we used to sing at the top of our lungs freshman year. My roommate Kayee and I each had an assigned part and would sing the same three songs over and over. Poor Erin, my sweet conservative third roommate, could have killed us. Singing about AIDS and AZT and lesbians was too much for her. What a fun memory. I should call Kayee and sing to her, but sadly it is like 2:30 am in Hawaii right now, so that probably wouldn't work. Oh well, I'll mentally send her a hello!

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