Wednesday, September 26, 2007

in case you ever need to know how to properly plan for a building dedication...notes from the Mac Boys!

Get a triangular metal file and score around the entire bottle in a circle so it breaks easier. Put it in a cutoff stocking (flying glass is bad!) Put duct tape on 4-5 inches of the handle so that the handle doesn't break and cut the hand Wrap the duct tape with ribbon so it's not ugly - it looks nice if it hangs down some too. Get white gloves for her to wear - helpful for the glass factor again. Tell her to swing through the building to be sure it breaks.

My favorite part...swing through the building-this was advice for a 78 year old woman...swing through the building!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm alive...more on that another day.

So, I am in last place in my own fantasy league. I played Taylor this week, and we don't take any prisoners with each other because we are married or anything sappy like that. We were schedule, according to Yahoo, to tie with a score of 87 points each. I scored a total of 15 points. 15 POINTS! For reference, Taylor's kicker scored 16 points by himself! I had two players go down hurt, both of my QB's got me negative points (enter Alexander's cynical laugh about how that wouldn't have happened if I didn't have two kickers starting in my league), and even my good players only scored in the single digits. I'm completely done for the year. If only I could sell off my team for draft picks. Maybe I'll do some sort of lottery where I give away my guys (and for the record, I've got great guys) in favor of baby sitting hours or something like that.

15 the 6 years we've been playing, I think that is an all time league worst!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Names are flying in from far and wide, from across the pond and right down the street! Don't forget to send your baby name draft choices to Taylor and I so we can get them up on the draft board. You never know, your name could be he winner!

I'm going to be pretty MIA for the next week or so. It is Reunion Weekend next weekend at my school and I'm going a little nutty trying to get it all done. I have a fair number of people coming throughout the weekend, but it is my first Reunion here so I want it to be a home run. I've recognized that a home run is all but impossible now, but a girl can still hope for a double, maybe even stretching for a triple! If you don't hear from me for awhile, if I'm bad at returning your phone call or email, please forgive me. This is a big one for me and I'm putting lots of stress on myself for perfection. I'll be back around after the 24th, at least for a week until it is time for the new President's Inauguration ceremony...

JJ is coming back this weekend! Her other friend who was supposed to have her for the weekend can't get off work. Her loss is my gain. I'm so excited to see her-we had a nice weekend last weekend and I'm expecting and even better time this weekend. I can't wait!

The baby is kicking the heck out of me. I guess she wants to head home for the night. 5:00 would mark a very early evening for me (I've been here past 8:00 this week) and then working at home (MY HUSBAND IS A SAINT FOR NOT ONLY PUTTING UP WITH ME, BUT FOR HELPING ME WORK ON MAILINGS EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK-I LOVE TAYLOR!), so given the chance to just take some paperwork home and work on it in front of the television instead of sitting behind this desk is a win and I think the baby knows it! We're out of here!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Baby Draft 2007 has begun!

What, do you ask, is Baby Draft 2007? Well, Taylor and I still have no baby names picked out, so we're starting a draft board to help us with the situation. We each get a certain amount of boys and girls names to pick and go on the draft board. After a few weeks, we'll name each of our "franchise players", players the other can't cross out. We'll then cross a few of the others names each out a day until we are left with a reasonable list of names that we both somewhat agree on.

Here is where you come in...we are opening the floor to "Wild Card" names. Wild card names are names that are nominated by our friends and family. We welcome you are each to send us a male and female name to add to the board. Should we choose your name, we'll have a special present for you! You can call or email or add your names to the blog and we'll add them to the board! We hope everyone will participate! Jen added the first two names this weekend so-game on!

Happy Naming!

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Somehow, I've been sucked into watching Titanic. Seriously. I didn't see the beginning, or the good part, just them fighting the water and eventually the dying part. She's about to throw the diamond into the ocean. Terrible.

We found the printer cables today, so we scanned in the now incredibly old sonogram photos of the baby. If you're interested let me know and I'll share them with you!

Alex is off in France now and so the whole family got web cams today. Right now, Taylor is talking his dad through setting his up and Emilie and I are fighting to be able to see each other. It is somewhat funny, because we all live within a few hundred miles of each other and are all talking on our cell phones at the same time. We actually say Taylor's dad today, so I even know what he'll be wearing when the phone finally rings, but in just 10 short minutes or so we'll all be chatting with each other again. Really funny-but totally time well spent so we can all visit each other and enjoy being closer. Thank goodness for technology!

I'm off to the silly Red Sox tomorrow for work. I'm not excited, but it should be a nice day and I'm dragging Cassie along so that will be fun. I think Ross and a friend are coming as well, so hopefully we'll all get to catch uo. Still, no fun to work on a three day weekend :(

Okay-David is calling-too much fun!