Sunday, September 02, 2007

Somehow, I've been sucked into watching Titanic. Seriously. I didn't see the beginning, or the good part, just them fighting the water and eventually the dying part. She's about to throw the diamond into the ocean. Terrible.

We found the printer cables today, so we scanned in the now incredibly old sonogram photos of the baby. If you're interested let me know and I'll share them with you!

Alex is off in France now and so the whole family got web cams today. Right now, Taylor is talking his dad through setting his up and Emilie and I are fighting to be able to see each other. It is somewhat funny, because we all live within a few hundred miles of each other and are all talking on our cell phones at the same time. We actually say Taylor's dad today, so I even know what he'll be wearing when the phone finally rings, but in just 10 short minutes or so we'll all be chatting with each other again. Really funny-but totally time well spent so we can all visit each other and enjoy being closer. Thank goodness for technology!

I'm off to the silly Red Sox tomorrow for work. I'm not excited, but it should be a nice day and I'm dragging Cassie along so that will be fun. I think Ross and a friend are coming as well, so hopefully we'll all get to catch uo. Still, no fun to work on a three day weekend :(

Okay-David is calling-too much fun!

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