Wednesday, October 17, 2007

So, it has been 20 years since Baby Jessica fell into the well. Okay-I remember this even thought I was little. I was watching Friday night television with my mom when they broke to live coverage of her being brought up from the well. Good for her-glad she lived and has had really no major issues other than some media hype through the years. See, now she is getting close to 25 (I think she is 21-22 now) and soon she'll become a millionaire. She will be able to tap into the trust fund of money that people sent to her when she was a baby to help take care of her medical needs and stuff. I'm sure the hospitals and surgeons comped all of her visits when she was kid for the publicity so I guess her family just didn't need the cash. My real problem is why does she deserve this cash now. She is a stay at home mom. I would like to be a stay at home mom. If I promise to fall down will someone give me a million dollars for no reason? I don't get it! I feel like she needs to split that money up and give it to people and places that deserve it. What about the family of the guy who went down in the well and literally saved her life-then later took his own life from the stress and drama of all of the hype and spotlight that came with being the good Samaritan? I bet his kids could use that money for college. It just seems wrong that she's talking to her family, who is then talking to the media, about the windfall she is about to cash in on, all because she had really irresponsible parents as a child who went to answer the phone and let her fall down a well. How about spreading the wealth to other kids of dumb parents instead! I bet there are lots of folks she could help. And she can keep some, I know a million isn't what it used to be, but come on now! And that concludes my really random bitter rant for the morning. Told you I was in a terrible mood today!

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