Friday, November 30, 2007

Grant is learning all about holiday music today. I've introduced him to my two favorite holiday CDs--Hillary Duff and Clay Aiken. Seriously-they are the two best cds I've ever heard for the holidays. You should check them out before you judge!

It looks like a great day outside, but I think we're just going to hang out at home today. Grant is a tired little man-napping again instead of being up with mommy-so I'm just going to leave him be instead of trying to get him all dressed and dragging him outside. The few things we were thinking of doing can wait for another day!

I should be napping now-that adage about sleeping when the baby sleeps is really good advice. Still, it is also really hard advice to follow. I'm a terrible napper and since he only sleeps two hours at a time (and really only the first hour is quiet sleeping) it is really hard for me to nap when he does. I try to sleep at night when he is sleeping. Since the doctor still has us holding him when he sleeps at night to help with the spitting up, I get a few hours when he does. I knew that having a baby meant exhaustion, but I had never really done the math before. He eats every three hours for an hour at a time. That means I spend about 8 hours a day feeding him. That's a lot of time sitting around without a shirt on acting like a milk machine! Still, I know he is the very best thing I'll ever accomplish in my lifetime, so it is well worth it. What a gift!

Wow-my blog must be annoying now. The scope of my life is so much smaller than it ever was before-it is amazing. I'm sorry if you aren't enjoying the reading at this point-I promise eventually it will get juicer than talk of breastfeeding and naps! Give us time and thank you for all sticking by us and making us feel so loved!


esm said...

Yeah- Clay Aiken Christmas!!! I love that you and Grant are a fan of my favorite American Idol :) I am a terrible napper too so I can understand it must be pretty hard to catch up on any real amount of sleep. Alex was at Disney World Paris today- and he is gong back next week for a full day! Jealous?? :)

Anonymous said...

I love naps - except my nap can be two hours long - in your world that is sleep!

This is my first comment to your blog - it won't be the last!

jeniffercox said...

Did he have a favorite Christmas Carol?