Thursday, May 08, 2008

To Quote Mary Chapin Carpenter and my best friend from high school's yearbook quote
"Somepeople say that you shouldn't tempt fate and for them I cannot disagree. But I never learned nothing from playing it safe, I say fate should not tempt me--I take my chances!"
So screw fate-I bought my New Kids tickets! Seeing the boys in September! YAHOO!!!
It also seems like there is a great TWW quote about tempting fate, but I think it is in latin so...

I'm such a mommy-I just opened my purse for something and found a pair of Grant's socks. And I was excited about it. I love that kid!

Happy Birthday to Emilie and Julie! Two very special and important ladies in my life.

1 comment:

esm said...

Thank you for the birthday shout-out! I love it when I get mentioned on your blog :)