Friday, August 29, 2008

Pet Peeve of the Day:
2:00 to ???
When you're inviting people to an event that doesn't have an end time, there is no need to put ???. If you don't list a time, the party will naturally decline as it should. Listing ??? is just silly. You look like an idiot. As a host, even if you don't list an end time for an event, you can steer the crowd very subtly to end at a given time simply by your movements. Slowly start to clean up dishes, stop refilling the food and wine, this isn't difficult. Listing ??? is just plain ridiculous. Please don't do it!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pet Peeve of the Day:
People who don't RSVP. How hard it is? Pick up the phone and say "no, I'm not coming". I promise you're not going to hurt anyone's feelings. By not doing it you're just bugging them as they're probably waiting on numbers for seating assignments, caterers, favors, and the like. Trust me, I plan events for a living! It is a real pain! You can send an email or call and leave a message in the middle of the night if that makes you feel better, or just make up a stupid excuse. It just matters that you follow through when someone extends an invitation your way! Be considerate people as you go forward in your day today.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Poor Fuzzy. What a great dog. He will be missed.

Friday, August 15, 2008

If I were still at my old job, today would have been my favorite day of summer. The Feast of the Assumption! This is the day when the non-catholics of the office goof off for an hour while everyone else goes to mass, then you go eat a huge meal, then you go home at 2:00 for the weekend. Instead, I'm in my office, not eating anything because I have no lunch, and working until the normal end of a normal day. My favorite office mates are all on vacation so it is super quiet, and there will be no goofing off. Sad day for Heather, great day for her old friends. Jerks! You're all jerks!

I slept through the Women's All-Around competition last night. I miss the days of taped Olympics. Who thought live starting at 11:30 was good for anyone? I'm stoked for the girls though and cried this morning when I saw them on the Today Show. Grant had no idea what to think of a crying mommy. It was a bit of a role reversal!

Congrats to Jenny on the new house, Emilie on having her hubby in the country, and Krissy for the soon to be new store. Free fries for everyone!

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm worried about Kerry Walsh getting a strange tan line from the tape/brace she is wearing on her shoulder. It looks something like an ink blot and once she gets lines like that, it is going to take months to get them to go away.

Shout out to Taylor. Word.

I'm obviously a very happy girl that the Olympics are on. Most of you know I'm a junkie and simply can't get enough. To that end, I watched team equestrian today for about two hours. Those crazy Australians are in the lead and team USA is out of it. My favorites are beach volleyball, gymnastics, swimming...the usual. I also really like the random, such as badminton and white water kayaking. Thank goodness for the Greeks!

Grant popped another tooth this weekend. Poor kid had a rough day today-it hurts to push teeth out. I feel so bad for him :(

Retreat at work tomorrow-hoping their is ice cream involved!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!
Hall of Fame game is Sunday night between the Indy Colts and Washington Redskins.
What a night of celebration in the Mac house. Game is at 8:0o p.m. Grant is going to bed at 7:50! For those keeping score, the Patiots first preseason game is on Thursday the 7th. Outstanding. What a wonderful time of year!