Friday, August 15, 2008

If I were still at my old job, today would have been my favorite day of summer. The Feast of the Assumption! This is the day when the non-catholics of the office goof off for an hour while everyone else goes to mass, then you go eat a huge meal, then you go home at 2:00 for the weekend. Instead, I'm in my office, not eating anything because I have no lunch, and working until the normal end of a normal day. My favorite office mates are all on vacation so it is super quiet, and there will be no goofing off. Sad day for Heather, great day for her old friends. Jerks! You're all jerks!

I slept through the Women's All-Around competition last night. I miss the days of taped Olympics. Who thought live starting at 11:30 was good for anyone? I'm stoked for the girls though and cried this morning when I saw them on the Today Show. Grant had no idea what to think of a crying mommy. It was a bit of a role reversal!

Congrats to Jenny on the new house, Emilie on having her hubby in the country, and Krissy for the soon to be new store. Free fries for everyone!

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