Sunday, December 21, 2008

snow snow and more snow. so much snow. more snow than I've ever seen (okay-well that isn't true, but still a LOT of snow).

The storm came in around 1:00 pm on Friday and it stopped snowing at about 7:00 pm on Sunday. That's three days of snow and what I'm guessing is just under two feet of the white stuff. You know what would really stink to have happen on a weekend like this...for the snow blower to stop working, and yet that is exactly what happened! It was pretty light snow, but so much for shoveling. It is tough to shovel with Grant because we can't leave him inside alone. His room is totally Grant proof and he would be fine to play there for 20 minutes alone, however he wouldn't put up with being left totally alone for that long and the crying isn't worth it. So, Taylor was on his own for much of the shoveling and I was able to help out during nap time.

We used the snowy weekend for much Christmas prep. I wrapped and packaged up all of the items to be shipped for the holiday. yes, they will probably be late, but my girls love me and won't mind and my niece and nephew don't really know me and really don't care when the loot comes, just that it comes. So, since Taylor isn't working again this year, tomorrow he is off to the post office.

I also got all of our Christmas cards ready for mailing. I ordered the with plenty of time, but apparently they got lost at the UPS location in Texas (it is always Texas with me!) and so just got here on Thursday night. They came out really crummy, so I'm disappointed in them (very orange for some reason) but given the amount of money I spent and the proximity to the holiday I decided to send them anyway. Please note when you get your cards that Grant is so very much cuter that in that photo. I even sent out extra prints of other cute photos to some people who don't get to see him often so they could recognize his cute factor. Yeah-I've got a problem.

Cookie baking was also on the menu for the weekend. Tomorrow is Grant's treat swap at daycare. I didn't make my award winning macaroons (I can say that now that I won best taste in the first annual bake-off challenge at work) because I'm not really sure kids are down with coconut, so I went with a chocolate chunk cookie and my grandmother's favorite cream cheese and jam cookies. It will be 10 years ago this week that she died, so it somehow seemed fitting to make her cookies, even though I've never really liked them myself. I'm thinking those cookies will be hit in the under 5 crowd at daycare.

We spent some quality time having a snow party at the neighbors on Friday night. No one could get out, so we all grabbed a bottle of our favorite holiday cheer and came together to sit around and catch up one last time before we split for the holidays. What a random group of people, but we do really have a lot of fun together. I really do think we live on the best street in America!

So, it was a productive weekend despite the fact that the laundry isn't folded and I didn't watch Pulp Fiction, an assignment from a coworker. Hopefully your weekends were productive too and if you live in the Northeast you are dug out of the storm and have your power back from the dreaded ice storm! Oh, and Go Patriots, Go Jets (boy-that feels so wrong to say) and Go whoever is playing the Ravens!

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