Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So much celebrity death!
Ed McMahon-sorry dude. you were cool in your day.
Michael Jackson-I was never really a fan. yes, someone once bought me the Thriller record player when i was really little, but he just wasn't for me. I mean, who doesn't love a little ABC, but that's about where it ends for me. I have enjoyed watching people's facebook statues in the last week as they battle about MJ good or evil.
Farrah-Sorry you got Mother Theresa-ed. Mother Theresa-ed? That's when your awesome and you die and it should really be all about you, but someone more famous for less good dies and you lose all your time. A little death of Princess Diana and suddenly all we remember from Mother Theresa's death is a fly being on her head during the service and the nun bun. oh the nun bun...that was a fun night in college with Chris and Christine!
Billy Mayes-bought a big tub of Oxiclean yesterday in your honor. Pitch it in heaven baby! Favorite Billy Mayes joke "deaths usually come in threes. Leave it to Billy Mayes to through one in for FREE!" Terrible, but funny!

Enjoying my time off this week with my little Grant man. Friday and Monday were "Mommy Days". I've also got this Wednesday and Friday. I could literally spend every day snuggling on the couch and watching Super Y with that little bug. He's a disaster this week with falling down. Took two nice digs off the outside steps over the weekend and totally wiped-out in the driveway sunday night. Of course, he had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I was sure I was going to get questioned on the bruise on his head and cut on his nose. turns out, this is what little boys look like-they didn't even blink an eye!

been feeling nostalgic for Machias recently. My brother is there this week with my parents for the first time in a million years. and, a prom picture of me has appeared on facebook this week. has had me thinking about the fun time. don't get me wrong, i wouldn't go back to high school if you offered me 10 million dollars, but i did have so real friends and we did have some good laughs. far from Laguna Beach, but fun times all the same. I'll have to dig out some of my own pictures for a few laughs. at least by junior year I had lost the glasses...or maybe that was the prom i just decided to be blind at...it is amazing how time blurs the edges of memories and makes everything a little sweeter and softer.

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