Saturday, July 04, 2009

Welcome to our newest family member, baby Parker (Parker was on my list of names for Grant-it was destined to be in the family)! Born on the 3rd of July, he's Grants 5th cousin (Alessandra, Robert, Rebecca, Samuel, and now Parker). The family seems to keep growing every day! Grant also got to meet his Uncle Robert this weekend when he, Alessandra, and Robert stopped in on their way through the state. It was great to see them and the kids, as we so rarely get the chance to be together. Miles seem to get further and further each year.

We can hear the 4th of July fireworks very clearly from our house right now, but can just see the tinyest peaks of color through the trees. I'm glad we decided not to go to the show. Grant was worn out, as he has been all week, so early to bed was a smart move. We did go for "Goat Ice Cream" this evening. Grant wasn't at all interested in ice cream but was very excited to feed the goats and play on the slide. We're in trouble-this kid is fearless!

Dudek is getting married tomorrow. I'll admit, I never thought I would see the day! We really like his fiance and think the two make a sweet match. I'm looking forward to the night out. Thanks to Papa for babysitting duties. It will be hard adjusting to work again this week. I've been in and out for the last two weeks with Grant being on vacation and have rather enjoyed playing and relaxing. It is a quiet time in the office for me (but not for long-August is a beast!) so it has been nice to spend some soft time at home with my sweet little boy.

Our new family room furniture came yesterday. It is awesome! we've already begun fighting over the recliner. Grant is not a fan however, as it is higher than the old stuff and he can't climb up by himself. the good new for him is we just moved the old stuff into the playroom, so he can still climb at will.

Taylor thought you might be interested to know some of the little dude's favorite words-as he is talking more and more every day. Right now he says, Mama, Dada, Hi, Bye, Baby, Kitty, Bubble, No (and shakes his head yes, but won't say it out loud), Ball, Please, Papa, Ben, Eve, Laura, and one time only, but crystal clear, minivan. He says more than this, but this is what I've got off the top of my head. it's pretty amazing when you think where he was a year ago!

1 comment:

Alex said...

It was awesome when he said minivan!