Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear Grant,

Mommy loves you more than you'll ever know. And so, it is hard for me to admit that I've lied to you. You are my sun and moon and I would never tell you things to hurt you on purpose, but I think I may have done you a disservice when I told you the baby would come after all the snow came and all the snow melted. Mom wasn't really thinking this was the winter we were going to have. I didn't think that when I looked outside this morning we would be up another full foot of snow. I didn't think we would have snow banks over four feet high in our driveway. I never thought I would be afraid to put you down outside for fear I would lose you in the mountains of ice and literally never find you again. Beanie will certainly be here before the snow melts. Even if she isn't early and doesn't come until April. But if she is early and comes in March, she may still be here before the snow stops falling and unlike the unseasonable warm November day when Mom and Dad brought you home, I'll be bringing her home in a parka, not a cute little outfit and hat. So much for having a spring baby. So, my sweet Grantie-G, Mom is sorry to have mislead you. You probably believe you've got months and months to continue being an only child, but you are very much mislead. Mommy and Daddy will work hard to help you understand that you really have just six to nine weeks to enjoy this quiet time of being the show and having no competition. The good news is, eventually Mommy will get her lap back once the baby comes and snuggling will get a little easier. The bad news is, instead of eating for two, I'll be snuggling two, so you will have to share. Don't worry Pumpkin, you'll always be my first baby and will always hold a special distinction in my heart. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry we live in New England. I'm sorry for another foot of snow today. I'm sorry we don't manage to get a snow day for it. I love you,


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