Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fate is a cruel, cruel woman. New Kids on the Block finally announced their Boston tour date and I have to work! Life just isn't fair! I've been waiting over 20 years to see them in concert and it is the one event I just can't get out of! Not cool.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Like Father Like Son

We love the NFL Draft!

Friday, April 25, 2008

"If you want your life to be a great story, remember you are the author." -John Maxwell

Monday, April 21, 2008

G-man loves peas! Sweet peas are sweet when you're G! Yum!

We had a great weekend. Grant is so much fun right now. He just giggles and laughs. He beat tummy time this weekend! He kept getting in trouble for not spending enough tummy time and not rolling over. Well, Saturday he decided he knew how to roll over. He had done it here and there and with lots of encouragement. Saturday afternoon he just started doing it like a nut. He literally rolled over 20 times in a row. Now it is just a thing he does that is no big deal like he's been doing it forever. It is the coolest thing! I really love this kid!

Jen and Krissy and their boys all have plane tickets to come for Bricker's wedding. It's real! It's happening! We can't wait to see them. We're already making a list of all the things we need to do before everyone comes to the house. The first thing-TOILET PAPER HOLDERS (TAYLOR-PUT THESE UP!!!). It should be a super fun weekend.

So, it is 9:30 and that means my bedtime. I understand that makes me a loser, but ask that you understand that I'm up at least twice a night still with the kid. I haven't slept more than 2.5 hours straight in a very long time! Night Night!

Friday, April 18, 2008


  • why does music sound better in the summer?
  • I love my blackberries-I love my husband!
  • first ice cold Nantucket Nectors Lemonade of the season.
  • Feta Cheese is reason enough to have G be an only child.
  • can't help singing along with my iPod today-my coworkers hate me!
  • I have inherited a second job to do while doing my own. I'm trying to cut down my hours not increase!
  • Julie is such a thoughtful friend!
  • It is a Pina Colada on the deck kind of night. If only I had chairs on the deck, or in the kitchen, or at the bar, or really anywhere in my house!
  • one hour until I get to go get my baby!
  • birthdays galore coming up in May. may buy stock in Hallmark!
  • Tina's having a boy and is naming him Connor. Glad she finally knows-I've known for weeks and been afraid I would tell her.
  • I miss my old coworkers so much!
  • Planning a trip to Italy that I'm not going on --yes--another one!
  • rediscovering my love affair with flavored seltzer water. yum!
  • blue raspberry jolly ranchers are the greatest.
  • Everybody Hurts and Spilled Perfume are my Desperado.
  • What's a Wicked Wango Card?
  • I can't see a single space of wood on my desk.
  • 80 degrees today. Grant didn't know the temperature went above 40 until last week. Gotta love New England!
  • I think I might have a tape worm.
  • I gave up the chance to have Del's today so I could wait and have it with Taylor. That's love.
  • Remember when Alanis was angry? that was great!
  • I'm making a to do list-but not actually getting anything crossed off. depressing.
  • I wish I was puddle jumping at Wheaton with Jeniffer today. Why did we spend a day doing that? Taylor lost his jacket in Knapton that day because he was distracted by the wackiness that is me and J.J.
  • I wonder when I started calling her J.J.-and why!
  • Kellen Clemens kid got kissed by the Pope yesterday. Think that makes the Jets unstoppable this year? Nah-maybe if it was the good Pope...
  • I love how country music is trendy now. where were all of you 10 years ago?
  • If Grant were allowed to watch television, tonight we would be watching the Muppets take Manhattan
  • Cleaned up on the chach at my benefits fair yesterday
  • the baby is moving up diaper sizes this week. I think he won't be a "swaddler" anymore and will be a "cruiser". it is enough to make me cry. He's a "big big boy"
  • Did you know Big Bird (and my new boss) are from Ohio?
  • Time to find out what Barbara is having for dinner so I can copy cat (Pizza-easy enough)
  • One of two left in the building.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday (and good job walking!) Fletcher!

Happy Anniversary Taylor. The year of fruit...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

cake for breakfast... See-coworkers really do serve a purpose in life-it is to have birthdays!

there was a dump truck and a backhoe in my yard when I left for work today. this can only be a positive sign for the creation of my yard!

filed our taxes last night at 10:00. Keeping my money as long as possible before I give it to George and his boys!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I live in the middle of a construction zone! they aren't building houses right now...they are breaking apart rocks with a jackhammer on the front of a bulldozer. Yeah-that is about as quiet as it sounds. no big deal really, unless you've got a 5 month old desperate for a nap! He got a good 30 minutes in before they hit a really big rock and woke him up. Luckily, we ran some errands in the car, so he was able to get a nice rest there. Back home now (obviously) and we saw the rock breaker guy leaving for lunch. Grant is happy-as he is still napping! Thank god for small miracles!

Yes, it is Monday. Yes, I'm home today. Grant's daycare is having some medical tests preformed today, so I get a bonus day with the Babe! We've been productive so far today. We dropped off the dry cleaning, got the car inspected, mailed a package, went to the bank and had lunch. I've made brownies while he is sleeping and when he wakes and eats, we're off again visiting friends. Taylor will be at work very late tonight (it's that time of the month) so G and I don't even have to worry about getting home in time to make dinner. We're looking forward to some fun visits!

Speaking of funny-Grant started baby food yesterday. He had been having rice cereal and baby oatmeal. Yesterday we added carrots to the mix. He likes carrots about as much as I like carrots-which is not very much at all! why do people cook carrots? they belong raw and in the baby form. But, that is neither here nor there-he was super funny eating them. Taylor managed somehow to get some up his nose! he was covered in orange. Sadly for him, he's got 3-5 days of carrots before he gets to move on to the next veggie of choice. I hear they start to like things by the third day or so. I hope he does learn to like carrots-he's fighting an uphill battle with eyesight and could use all the help he can get.

remember when my blog used to be funny and cleaver? I miss those days too. Perhaps once i sleep in stretches that are longer than 2 hours I'll find the funny again.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Yes-there will be cake at the birthday party. It is a babes first party-there will be cake. there will be cake on the kid, on the floor, on the dog, you name it! I will be partaking in said cake and will be excited about it. I'll miss Jenny, who usually gives me the frosting from her cake (and admittedly, I sometimes give her the cake from my frosting), but we'll soon be caking it up together at Bricker's wedding! At least, I assume there will be is a 10:00 am wedding though...I'm calling for conformation later this evening! all of this cake talk is making me hungry! I'm going on a food hunt and hoping for cake in the dining hall!

Monday, April 07, 2008

G-man got invited to his first party! Friend Fletcher is turning one! What to bring for a gift, what to bring to add to the time capsule (that's the theme), what to wear! Such big decisions for such a tiny guy!

Friday, April 04, 2008

longest. week. ever.
I don't even remember Monday anymore. It is possible I'm wearing the same pants today that I wore then...they're clean so I guess I really don't care. Just an observation!

nothing big going on this weekend. one of Grant's little friend's and her parents are coming over tomorrow to get some boxes. they're moving because they're having a baby (she's secret baby 4-not a secret anymore) so I volunteered our boxes in an effort to force us to unpack. Sadly, we have a neat recycling program with our trash company where we get points good for gift certificates for the weight of our recycling. We would have probably received a ton for all the boxes, but it seems a better idea to actually save the earth than to just pretend to by recycling.

we bought school house rocks on dvd for Grant. We're trying to find out how to pull the audio from a dvd so we can play it for him on our iPods. Grant isn't allowed television, so if any of you know how to do this, give us a call and become our hero!

it's raining here and I'm tired of it. I love my super quick baby walks with G-man after work and we certainly can't get them in with weather like this. I think the air is good for him. Helps him sleep better-or at least pretend to sleep better! I think Sunday is supposed to be a better day. I long for spring!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

wow! no comments on the eating picture. I thought that face was worth a million words! You should see the faces now-sheer joy! unfortunately, Taylor has trained Grant to hate the camera because he chases him around the house with it all the time, so whenever he sees it all of the joy slides away. We may never have a photo of him being a smiley boy!

NKOTB, by the way, is a reference to New Kids on The Block who are going on tour again after 20 years. I was their target market then and I am their target market now. They've got the right stuff, baby!