Monday, April 14, 2008

I live in the middle of a construction zone! they aren't building houses right now...they are breaking apart rocks with a jackhammer on the front of a bulldozer. Yeah-that is about as quiet as it sounds. no big deal really, unless you've got a 5 month old desperate for a nap! He got a good 30 minutes in before they hit a really big rock and woke him up. Luckily, we ran some errands in the car, so he was able to get a nice rest there. Back home now (obviously) and we saw the rock breaker guy leaving for lunch. Grant is happy-as he is still napping! Thank god for small miracles!

Yes, it is Monday. Yes, I'm home today. Grant's daycare is having some medical tests preformed today, so I get a bonus day with the Babe! We've been productive so far today. We dropped off the dry cleaning, got the car inspected, mailed a package, went to the bank and had lunch. I've made brownies while he is sleeping and when he wakes and eats, we're off again visiting friends. Taylor will be at work very late tonight (it's that time of the month) so G and I don't even have to worry about getting home in time to make dinner. We're looking forward to some fun visits!

Speaking of funny-Grant started baby food yesterday. He had been having rice cereal and baby oatmeal. Yesterday we added carrots to the mix. He likes carrots about as much as I like carrots-which is not very much at all! why do people cook carrots? they belong raw and in the baby form. But, that is neither here nor there-he was super funny eating them. Taylor managed somehow to get some up his nose! he was covered in orange. Sadly for him, he's got 3-5 days of carrots before he gets to move on to the next veggie of choice. I hear they start to like things by the third day or so. I hope he does learn to like carrots-he's fighting an uphill battle with eyesight and could use all the help he can get.

remember when my blog used to be funny and cleaver? I miss those days too. Perhaps once i sleep in stretches that are longer than 2 hours I'll find the funny again.

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