Monday, April 21, 2008

G-man loves peas! Sweet peas are sweet when you're G! Yum!

We had a great weekend. Grant is so much fun right now. He just giggles and laughs. He beat tummy time this weekend! He kept getting in trouble for not spending enough tummy time and not rolling over. Well, Saturday he decided he knew how to roll over. He had done it here and there and with lots of encouragement. Saturday afternoon he just started doing it like a nut. He literally rolled over 20 times in a row. Now it is just a thing he does that is no big deal like he's been doing it forever. It is the coolest thing! I really love this kid!

Jen and Krissy and their boys all have plane tickets to come for Bricker's wedding. It's real! It's happening! We can't wait to see them. We're already making a list of all the things we need to do before everyone comes to the house. The first thing-TOILET PAPER HOLDERS (TAYLOR-PUT THESE UP!!!). It should be a super fun weekend.

So, it is 9:30 and that means my bedtime. I understand that makes me a loser, but ask that you understand that I'm up at least twice a night still with the kid. I haven't slept more than 2.5 hours straight in a very long time! Night Night!

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