Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Taylor and I must live on the greatest street in America! We had the best Halloween ever! We dressed up our littlest Dumbo and wandered outside around 5:00. All of our neighbors decided to come out into the street and sit together and hand out candy. Even the folks who hadn't been in on the initial discussion because we didn't have their email addresses came out dragging candy, kids, and lawn chairs. Many adults came in costume. Taylor and I came as first time parents :) We weren't the only family on our street in that costume, but we didn't mind sharing! Grant's little buddy Aiden was a cowboy and other adult costumes included a teacher, Batman, and Batwoman. Far and away, our favorite was the Pirate across the street. She decorated her house, played pirate music and brought her candy out in a treasure chest. She also made our street the place to be by bringing out a full bar into the street and handing out rum and coke to all of the adults who visited. Let's just say, we expect even more families next year! We had a great time and continued the night once designated trick or treat time was finished with a makeshift party at the pirates house. It was a great night. Grant was a trooper in his costume, which he never really fell in love with. He stayed in it until Mama decided it was time for him to get changed into something a little snugglier without complaint. Halloween, which has always been one of my least favorite holidays, skyrocketed up the list this year! I'm even more excited for the next big holiday in our world, Grantie's Birthday!

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