Monday, January 29, 2007

Rest in Peace Barbaro! I'm such a girl, I just got teary when I heard he had to be put down. He fought for over a year with the promise of roaming the pastures, eating oats, and having lots of sex. If he could have just survived this injury, he had a chance at the good life. May horsey heaven be just as great.
I just finished a really good book and I want to put it out there to all of my friends who are readers. It is called The Perfect Age and was written by Heather Skylar. It follows a girl and her family through three consecutive summers. It is hard to explain, but I really liked it and devoured it-finished it in a few days, which given the house blitz, is really fast for now. If you do read this, please let me know, because I would love to chat about it!

Weekend was just another on the road of pushing forward towards the great house sale 2007. This weekend's installment of this damn house included more painting! Last weekend we painted over our bright blue bedroom with the stimulating color "pale sand 2" (in honor of our desert friend Ross). This weekend, we touched up the bedroom and finally cleaned up the mess Alex, Amy, Taylor and I made of the living room four years ago. I actually found a spot in the hallway where we gave up on the wallpaper and just painted over it! Classy, real classy. In addition to all the touch up, we painted the back door, so the last thing you see when you leave the house is bright and fresh looking and painted the window frame in the bay window in the living room. This was harder than anticipated, because there is so much detail on the woodwork. Still, Saturday was a complete success. I'm so tired of painting, but short of some stuff in the bedroom, we are done with that silly task I think.

Sunday we met with an agent on the Worcester side of things, to start looking at houses out here. I'm fearful my sweet Taylor is going to want to build...we shall see.

After that, we worked. I had my first event at AMC and I would say that based on all accounts it went very well. We used a whole little helium tank, so that is sure fire way to know something was successful. Balloons equal success in my little world.

I would like to take a moment to publicly thank my sweet husband Taylor for all his hard work this weekend. In addition to being a trooper at the house and keeping me sane when I just wanted to dump the paint down the drain, he was an all-star at my work event. I didn't end up having the level of support I'm used to in running this event, but Taylor really stepped it up. He managed the book signing, handled half of the check in process, carried boxes, blew up balloons, and even had dinner with the speaker so I could attend to small details. It was so nice to have him in the room and know that no matter what else was going on, anything I asked Taylor to do would be done with grace and ease. Taylor understands that when I plan an event, I expect it to be flawless, and he did everything humanly possible to make sure that it was in fact free of error. All he got out of this was a happy wife and a free dining hall Italian Dinner. Thank you Taylor. I love you very much and appreciate all of your help. I'm a very lucky woman and I wanted you to know that I really couldn't have done it without you, and I'm happy I'll never have to try!

Friday, January 26, 2007

About once every decade I get on a huge Muppet's kick. The Muppet's are cool. Really really cool. Remember watching the Muppet show on Sunday nights as a kid? It was like Saturday Night Live for kids! Guest stars, musical guests, adult humor hidden in the middle of kids skits. It was the greatest. As a kid, I loved Piggy. I love them all, but I really liked Piggy, and by extention, Kermit. I had two different sets of Muppet's sheets for my bed. One was just Kermit playing the banjo. The other had Piggy in a variety of show costumes all over it. I loved them. I think my mom still has them for the twin bed we have, because she once tried to get rid of them and freaked out on her. I can't wait to have a five year old so I can teach him or her all about the Muppet's and they too can enjoy the Kermit sheets!

As you have guessed, I'm entering my Muppet's phase right now. I'm desperate to go to WDW and go see Muppet's 3D where Sam the Eagle puts on a Tribute to many nations, but mostly America and we see the live action Swedish Chef with his cannon. It is one of my favorite attractions. There is a sign that tells you to enter the theater, there is a key under the mat. Next time you're there, check it out-there really is a key under the mat! I love attention to detail!

Right now, I'm listening to my Muppet's 25th Anniversary CD and really thinking it is amazing how Rolf the dog can play the piano so well when he doesn't have a thumb. Dogs don't have thumbs, but he goes to town. What skill!

I'm adding the first two movies to our Netflix cue. We own the Muppet's Take Manhattan. I desperately need a marathon and I encourage you to do the same on this cold winters evening!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I am tired. Deep, bone weary tired. Painting this weekend was exhausting, even though it isn't a ton of physical work. We we up super late and slept two nights on our disgustingly uncomfortable futon. I can't believe all these years that no one told us how miserable this thing is! Even with the fluffy feather bed, it was a nightmare. Neither of of slept really all weekend and now we are paying the price. I'm wearing my glasses today, so you know I'm beat!

I finished my book for bookclub. We just read the Memory Keepers Daughter. It was okay, but it kind of felt like the author didn't know how to end it, so just stopped writing. I hate a good book with a crappy ending. I went to the library last night and picked up a great book (so far) called The Perfect Age, which follows a mother and daughter through their lives through three different summers. It is interesting at the very least.

I have my first AMC program this weekend. It is an Italian Evening, with a book talk, a demo on my alumni trip to Italy this summer, and some little brownie's coming to sing a song in Italian. Dinner follows and should be good. Not my idea of a fun program, but it is designed for the senior set, and lord knows they love an all you can eat buffet! I hope it goes well.

I am not having a great week at work. I've been in meetings non-stop this week and last and I'm not really getting any work done. Plus, I'm so tired that it is hard to get motivated while I'm not in a meeting, so I end up doing silly things, like blogging. I hope you all are enjoying my procrastination.

Ross comes home in a few weeks. He will be home in under a month now! I couldn't be more excited, and not just so he can help carry boxes when we move. I started my blog in his honor, but I'm not actually sure that he reads it anymore. I think I'll keep writing anyway. I keep myself amused, and I have few readers, but they are loyal!

Time to make some coffee (don't worry-it is decaf! I'm still off the juice), get warmed up and get back to work!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, at least it wasn't on a Vinatieri kick.

It was a good game. The season went farther than it probably had any business going. Brady is unbelievably good, and he made due with no decent wide receivers (Troy Brown aside) for the whole year. The man can't throw the ball to himself. There is still no quarterback I would rather see inside of two minutes. It was a good ride. I wish it didn't end in a loss, and I really wish it didn't end with an interception, but they will rebuild and they will be back. It's going to be interesting to see which of the old guys (Brown, Bruschi, Harrison, Sauo...) retires.

But seriously, thank god it didn't come down to a field goal. That's how you get to sleep at night, thankful that it didn't end on a stupid kick.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Okay-I know the Colts beat the Patriots early this year. I watched the game, it hurt. But all week I've been watching coverage getting ready for the AFC Championship game, and it wasn't until we were having breakfast watching NFL Matchup this morning that I remembered why we lost...Belichick wore a Red Sweatshirt! See, we've got nothing to worry about today! Bill's going to wear his "BB" torn up gray sweatshirt and all will be right in the world.

The Patriots are a ritualistic team. I'm a ritualistic fan. I've got my clothing rules, my jersey rules, and even lately my food rules. As long as Bill gets back into his own ritual of looking like a total slob, everything will be fine. For the first time this week, I feel completely confident in the game. I can stop watching coverage and get to putting a coat of Pale Sand on the walls.

Friday, January 19, 2007

No posting this weekend. Going in a few minutes to pick out a nice boring paint color, like sand, to paint the bedroom. Tomorrow we prime and paint at least one coat. Sunday we do a second coat and clean up. Sunday afternoon we move into football mode. I encourage you to do the same!

Our mantra for the weekend is as follows "No fourth quarter game winning kicks". Please adopt this as your own and repeat it often. GO PATRIOTS!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Oprah was pregnant at 14! She had a baby that died at 14! What an unoprah thing to have happen.
the best episode of Seinfield ever is when George sings on his answering machine. What a fun episode to catch on a random day!

PB & J on an english muffin for dinner. Getting ready to pour myself a little drink, take a bath, read my large print book, watch Grey's and off to bed! What a perfect snowy night. Can you all please pray for snow! Do the dance, whatever it takes--help me make it snow!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's snowing in New England! Who would have thought January would have been the first time. I hate winter, and really don't need snow at all, but even I'll admit it is beautiful when it is first falling. Now in an hour when I have to drive home, it will look dreadful, but on a nice Tuesday afternoon, I'll bite on that whole Currier and Ives fresh white snow image.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Holy Crap! Addison from Grey's is all sorts of pregnant!

Okay, Taylor's home, gotta fly!
Okay...Tony Parker is playing tonight in Chicago. That's a good reason for him not to be there.

Oh God, Jessica Biel and Eva Longoria are talking about how hot the other is and how much they would like to look like the other. I'm fat! Why do the skinny girls have to talk about the hot factor of the other?
I went 3-1 this weekend in my football picks. I should have picked NO, but it happens...

Now to the Golden Globes...I'm voting live right now on the red carpet. Why did Sheryl Crow have that silly flower on her dress? Great color, bad flower.

McSteamy is on right now. I think it is hard to rate the men, unless they are a huge mistake. But, McSteamy looks good as always. I can't believe he is with the the Noxema Girl.

Now the stupid girl from Ugly Betty is on. I have nothing against her personally, but the show seems stupid to me. Plus, I hate the Vanessa Williams character...she is so Cruella DeVille...And I just found out her name is America. Are you kidding me?

Eva looks good. No Tony Parker. If I was engaged to Tony, he would be on my arm constantly.

So far, I like the short dresses and peek-a-boo toe shoes. JLD looked cute in her gold and even Tina Fay was nice with her black lace.

See, this was my fear...everyone is giving America, "Ugly Betty", high marks. It is the character that is ugly! She looks cute, but she isn't top four at the Golden Globes cute. Stupid people bug me.

Have to check on dinner, maybe more later. There is just something missing without the West Wing to get excited for. My heart is breaking just a little.

We're so happy for you both. Can't wait to celebrate with you this fall.
Here's to another Johnson passing off that silly name!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Heather's Football Picks for the weekend.
So...yes, I'm taking New England over San Diego (but I do really love walking around singing San Diego Super Chargers in this little jingle I've made up...and they have great powder blue throwbacks...). I think it might be tough, but they can win this game. Plus, LT shut both Taylor and I down in the Puffy Hand league, so I want to see New England put him in his place.

I'm taking Indy over Baltimore. This is just a pick of like. I like Indy. I like Peyton. I hate Ray Lewis. Nothing more really. I think it will be a great game to watch, offense versus defense in the truest sense. Go Blue!

Moving to the NFC, I'm taking Chicago over Seattle. I would rather take Seattle because I like them, but I think this is Chicago's year. Sorry Hassleback!

Finally, I pick Philly over New Orleans. Garcia is too good right now and Westbrook is just nasty. They're going to run all over them.

Hope you enjoy!
Reasons to be happy today...
  • Finally a new Grey's Anatomy tonight
  • Two days from the playoffs (Heather's playoff picks later...)
  • I've been at work for one hour and the phone hasn't rung yet!
  • Meeting with Realtors this weekend to get our sweet house on the market
  • Jenny's on the East Coast!
  • Good week for the phone-caught up with Jen, Krissy, Alex, and more!
  • If I were at Assumption right now, I would be going into a President's Council Prospecting meeting, and instead I'm looking at menus
  • Day four off caffeine and no headache!

Hope you're happy too!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Today we mourn the loss of a great NFL player. Tiki Barber, know we will always love you. In honor of your strength of character, heart, and mind, we will be naming our first born, Tiki Mac. May your broadcasting career be long and prosperous.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My favorite thing about New Year’s is the year end countdowns. There is a top 10 list for everything, from top music videos, to top hotties, to best plays, to top names of the year. In keeping with the top whatever tradition, I’ve decided to do a top things from 2006 list. Now these aren’t in any particular order. Ross and I discussed this over the weekend and think the best thing to do is go through the months and pick a favorite event. This list will be roughly based on the Guida School of Blogging... in a truly random Heather order. Hope you enjoy!

  • Christmas in Maine! Mom’s home cooking, pancakes for breakfast (the only acceptable breakfast for the day), the Merry Merry Christmas parade “live” from Disney, a visit from two good high school friends, not being sick for the first time in years…and home for the holiday for the first time in 5 years…what could be better!
  • Two Master’s Degrees! While we only celebrated one graduation, Taylor and I both successfully completed years of school with matching MBA’s. Well…technically mine is bigger… Surviving May/June and those last six weeks is an event to be proud of. Class four nights a week, breaking $1 in the Annual Fund, planning a successful golf tournament…and staying married to boot!
  • Two New Jobs! Putting those fancy new pieces of paper to work, we both scored new jobs and big promotions in the late fall. We’re both still feeling them out, but either way it was a good decision for team MacFarlane
  • Floating down the river in a tube! Ross, Taylor and I took a vacation day in the middle of the week to simply float down the river in a tube. While it takes the average person about 90 minutes, the three of us found a way to make a day of this, by hanging out on tree branches, wrapping ourselves around logs, and getting propped up on rocks. The bruises were worth it, it was an incredible day. Cruising around in the Guida-mobile with the top down and tunes blaring (Jack Johnson always takes me back to summer now) rounded out the perfect summer day and gave us a chance to spend some great time with Ross before he left for six months. That day was a blessing for us all and is one of my favorite days of summer!
  • No Weddings! Okay, so there were a few, but on the heels of 8 in six months, and with the way 2007 is looking, turns out 2006 was the break we needed. A few babies, but no showers, no bachelorette parties, no drama! Looking forward to getting back on the baby/bridal bandwagon in 2007. February in CT can’t come soon enough!
  • Finally beating the January Cold! Christmas 2005 was like being in a hospital ward! Everyone got horribly sick in Taylor’s family. Pam even left dinner early. I spent a good hour in CVS on Christmas day buying supplies for all the sickies only to fall pray to the dreaded illness the following day at the family holiday party. This cold stuck with me for about three full weeks, so my favorite January memory was finally being well enough to go out. Taylor bundled me up and took me the two miles to Chinese buffet. I required a two hour nap when we finally got home, but I made it out of the house and the road to recovery began. Beating the plague of 2005 was my first true victory of 2006!
  • Beach Bumming with Krissy! Okay, so it was more like boat bumming, but it was an awesome week in July spent exclusively on the water! Fourth of July fireworks at the Vineyard, shopping, reading, 5:00 cocktail hour (who drinks champagne every day!), and most importantly, catching up with one of my best friends for a week was the perfect vacation. I’m counting the days until my next invitation to hang out on Lynley. She isn’t an Alden, but nothing is perfect!

2006 was a great year. Committed to seeing 2007 be a bigger and better year! I’m not sharing my one resolution with the group, but I do have plans that include moving in to a new house, hitting the Machias Blueberry Festival, Italy, the fabled girls weekend with Jeniffer and Kriselyn, new babies of great friends, cherished weddings of more great friends, and taking a vacation (hear that Taylor…WE ARE GOING ON VACATION IN 2007)! I hope all of your 2007’s are amazing too!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Belated congratulations to Jenny and team Altitude for winning the Puffy Hands fantasy football extravaganza! I couldn't be prouder baby! Girl Power and all that good stuff they taught us at Wheaton. Jen, you beat a heck of a field. And you can hold this over Taylor and Matty's heads forever! You've made be proud young grasshopper. Next time I see you, I'll buy you a Christmas Tree drink to celebrate!
How I love the change in my job...If I were still at Assumption today would be about opening the year end mail and checking for any stock transfers from the uber-rich who were trying to unload cash before tax-year end. Instead, right now I'm on hold with the Boston Red Sox (gag me) trying to buy tickets. Life is good!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2007!