Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I am tired. Deep, bone weary tired. Painting this weekend was exhausting, even though it isn't a ton of physical work. We we up super late and slept two nights on our disgustingly uncomfortable futon. I can't believe all these years that no one told us how miserable this thing is! Even with the fluffy feather bed, it was a nightmare. Neither of of slept really all weekend and now we are paying the price. I'm wearing my glasses today, so you know I'm beat!

I finished my book for bookclub. We just read the Memory Keepers Daughter. It was okay, but it kind of felt like the author didn't know how to end it, so just stopped writing. I hate a good book with a crappy ending. I went to the library last night and picked up a great book (so far) called The Perfect Age, which follows a mother and daughter through their lives through three different summers. It is interesting at the very least.

I have my first AMC program this weekend. It is an Italian Evening, with a book talk, a demo on my alumni trip to Italy this summer, and some little brownie's coming to sing a song in Italian. Dinner follows and should be good. Not my idea of a fun program, but it is designed for the senior set, and lord knows they love an all you can eat buffet! I hope it goes well.

I am not having a great week at work. I've been in meetings non-stop this week and last and I'm not really getting any work done. Plus, I'm so tired that it is hard to get motivated while I'm not in a meeting, so I end up doing silly things, like blogging. I hope you all are enjoying my procrastination.

Ross comes home in a few weeks. He will be home in under a month now! I couldn't be more excited, and not just so he can help carry boxes when we move. I started my blog in his honor, but I'm not actually sure that he reads it anymore. I think I'll keep writing anyway. I keep myself amused, and I have few readers, but they are loyal!

Time to make some coffee (don't worry-it is decaf! I'm still off the juice), get warmed up and get back to work!

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