Friday, January 26, 2007

About once every decade I get on a huge Muppet's kick. The Muppet's are cool. Really really cool. Remember watching the Muppet show on Sunday nights as a kid? It was like Saturday Night Live for kids! Guest stars, musical guests, adult humor hidden in the middle of kids skits. It was the greatest. As a kid, I loved Piggy. I love them all, but I really liked Piggy, and by extention, Kermit. I had two different sets of Muppet's sheets for my bed. One was just Kermit playing the banjo. The other had Piggy in a variety of show costumes all over it. I loved them. I think my mom still has them for the twin bed we have, because she once tried to get rid of them and freaked out on her. I can't wait to have a five year old so I can teach him or her all about the Muppet's and they too can enjoy the Kermit sheets!

As you have guessed, I'm entering my Muppet's phase right now. I'm desperate to go to WDW and go see Muppet's 3D where Sam the Eagle puts on a Tribute to many nations, but mostly America and we see the live action Swedish Chef with his cannon. It is one of my favorite attractions. There is a sign that tells you to enter the theater, there is a key under the mat. Next time you're there, check it out-there really is a key under the mat! I love attention to detail!

Right now, I'm listening to my Muppet's 25th Anniversary CD and really thinking it is amazing how Rolf the dog can play the piano so well when he doesn't have a thumb. Dogs don't have thumbs, but he goes to town. What skill!

I'm adding the first two movies to our Netflix cue. We own the Muppet's Take Manhattan. I desperately need a marathon and I encourage you to do the same on this cold winters evening!

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