Monday, January 29, 2007

I just finished a really good book and I want to put it out there to all of my friends who are readers. It is called The Perfect Age and was written by Heather Skylar. It follows a girl and her family through three consecutive summers. It is hard to explain, but I really liked it and devoured it-finished it in a few days, which given the house blitz, is really fast for now. If you do read this, please let me know, because I would love to chat about it!

Weekend was just another on the road of pushing forward towards the great house sale 2007. This weekend's installment of this damn house included more painting! Last weekend we painted over our bright blue bedroom with the stimulating color "pale sand 2" (in honor of our desert friend Ross). This weekend, we touched up the bedroom and finally cleaned up the mess Alex, Amy, Taylor and I made of the living room four years ago. I actually found a spot in the hallway where we gave up on the wallpaper and just painted over it! Classy, real classy. In addition to all the touch up, we painted the back door, so the last thing you see when you leave the house is bright and fresh looking and painted the window frame in the bay window in the living room. This was harder than anticipated, because there is so much detail on the woodwork. Still, Saturday was a complete success. I'm so tired of painting, but short of some stuff in the bedroom, we are done with that silly task I think.

Sunday we met with an agent on the Worcester side of things, to start looking at houses out here. I'm fearful my sweet Taylor is going to want to build...we shall see.

After that, we worked. I had my first event at AMC and I would say that based on all accounts it went very well. We used a whole little helium tank, so that is sure fire way to know something was successful. Balloons equal success in my little world.

I would like to take a moment to publicly thank my sweet husband Taylor for all his hard work this weekend. In addition to being a trooper at the house and keeping me sane when I just wanted to dump the paint down the drain, he was an all-star at my work event. I didn't end up having the level of support I'm used to in running this event, but Taylor really stepped it up. He managed the book signing, handled half of the check in process, carried boxes, blew up balloons, and even had dinner with the speaker so I could attend to small details. It was so nice to have him in the room and know that no matter what else was going on, anything I asked Taylor to do would be done with grace and ease. Taylor understands that when I plan an event, I expect it to be flawless, and he did everything humanly possible to make sure that it was in fact free of error. All he got out of this was a happy wife and a free dining hall Italian Dinner. Thank you Taylor. I love you very much and appreciate all of your help. I'm a very lucky woman and I wanted you to know that I really couldn't have done it without you, and I'm happy I'll never have to try!

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