Monday, June 25, 2007

Happiness is Dawson's Creek on a Monday morning! And, I suddenly like the taste of coffee again, so I've got a warm beverage by my side and life is good.

The girls are happily staring out the screen door at a chipmunk playing on the patio. I can practically see the thought bubble over Liz's head thinking about why she doesn't have thumbs and can't open the door herself.

Sadly, on Dawson's Creek, Bessie is delivering a baby at home and is having some random complications. This is why I won't be more than 40 miles from a hospital for the last three months (so, clearly I won't be visiting my parents for Thanksgiving). I've seen later seasons, I know it goes well and we get our TBS happy ending.

I think I'm going to go do a little shopping this afternoon. Yesterday I sat home alone all day and wallowed in self-pity. Actually, I took a two hour nap, then woke up and wallowed in self-pity. Today, I'm going to be productive and have some fun. I need some clothes, and the baby must need a present or two. I'm on the lookout for a local friend to have lunch with, so if you are reading this and in a 100 mile radius, give me a call, and you can help in the fattening of Heather plan!


esm said...

I really wish I was closer becuase I would soooo enjoy a fattening of the Heather lunch!! That sound like the most enjoyable afternoon! It would also entail some fattening of the Emilie too- but with no excuse of a baby! :)

jeniffercox said...

Just noticed on Southwest that the $53 sale ends on June me and we can try to coordinate dates tomorrow (6/28)...I have appointments all morning...but I don't have anything scheduled in the afternoon. :)