Thursday, June 28, 2007

Welcome new reader Cassie! For anyone who hasn't heard me gush about Cassie, she is my work BFF. Despite the fact that she is incredibly young (there was an 8 in the wrong part of her birth year) and doesn't know Silver Spoons or Growing Pains, she is simply the greatest.

So, Cassie and I should be in Italy this week. I like to imagine I would be having breakfast with the Pope today, touring Rome with a cute boy on the back of a scooter, then performing in an International Music Awards show...wait, that's the Lizzy McGuire movie. I like to imagine I would be sleeping late, visiting some sites, eating incredible pasta, afternoon ice cream, and partaking in some seriously good red wine late into the night (in my dream of Italy, I'm not knocked up). Oh well, probably better not to be there-it is terribly hot and they are having some kind of bizarre weather pattern, all the people going are old, and the travel guide was pretty annoying. See, no reason for a passport...

Life is pretty quiet. I'm off tomorrow and have no real plans. I should go dress shopping for the weekend's fancy pants wedding, but I'm going to try to squeeze myself into a little black dress I already own. I might go get my nails done, but I might not bother. It isn't my hands that people are going to be looking at anyway! I might as well save the $10.

Taylor and I are looking at a house tonight, so that should be intersecting. I'm tired of looking at houses, so if he likes it, I'm just in. It is too exhausting to think about the number of bedrooms and the size of the yard. Besides, this house has a separate first floor laundry room, so my life would be good. We'll see.

I'm in denial that next week is the 4th of July. It is such a sad day. Not only is it kind of a stupid holiday (especially when it falls in the middle of the week), but it marks the midpoint of summer, and to be honest, we haven't done a darn thing that is either summery or fun yet this summer. There will be no floating down the river in an inner tube this year, not silly cocktail nights at book club. I am desperately looking forward to my annual fake vacation with Krissy at the Cape in two weeks. Though it is only two hours away, and in general I hate the Cape, I find Krissy's house to be the most relaxing place on the planet. It is the color scheme and the type of furniture, and the yes ma'am and no sirs. It is such an incredible time. Rumor has it Jenny might join us, so I'm super excited. PEER PRESSURE!!! PEER PRESSURE!!!! PEER PRESSURE!!!!

Okay-back to (from the girl with the three day work week, I know, Shut Up Heather!).

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