Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Grant is 38 weeks old. This means he's officially been out longer than he was in, since my little bug was in such a hurry to get here and see his Mommy that he was delivered at 37 weeks. I can't believe what a big boy I have already!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Taylor has had an epiphany about work tonight while we were giving Grant a bath. I'm not sure I understand it, but he's a happy man, so that makes me happy.

I want to go on the record as saying I'm totally over Miley Cyrus. She announced she's not having sex before she's married. Haven't we seen this show before? Fast forward five years and suddenly one of the Jonas brothers in the role of Justin Timberlake selling her out on 20-20 saying they've been fornicating for years. Suddenly, people won't touch her with a 10 foot pole, she's married to Federline and has a reality show called Chaotic. Why Miley? Don't you learn? Don't people watch others and see them fall apart and think, "wow, I'll be smart enough to keep my bedroom to myself"? I guess not. She's a goner! Plus, she has recently recorded a cover of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". I'm tired of that song in general, but I'm really not thrilled with a remake by Miley. She needs to go away. Bye-Bye Hannah Montana!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Time for some countdown updates:

Olympics start in 10 days. We'll be breaking the no television for Grant rule starting 8-8-08 as I am an Olympaholic! I'll even watched synchronized diving! I really love all the swimming, gymnastics, and beach volleyball (women's-and if you think it isn't a sport, watch Walsh and Mays-Trainer. They are incredible!). I'll watch anything and everything I can get my remote control on.

60 days until NKOTB! I'm looking for a great new concert outfit and I'm considering crimping my hair to relive the 1980's.

My life is AWESOME!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Emilie is mad at me because I haven't blogged in so long. Indeed, she is correct, I've been delinquent and so will give you a list of the randomness that has been my life and or thoughts I've had over the last few weeks

  • I hate concentrated laundry detergent. I like to pretreat stains using detergent and when the detergent is concentrated I don't have enough to use on all of the stains...and with my boys, we have lots of stains. Can't I save the earth in some other way?
  • Good Luck to sweet Jeniffer tomorrow. Just keep swimming!
  • Alexander is back next weekend. How fast time goes.
  • Chevy wants men to stop shaving and women to stop washing their hair. Honest.
  • Grant has popped three teeth so far with one more on the way. He's been a great kid fighting through them.
  • Taylor is really annoyed that it is shark week on Discovery channel. Still, we're both perfectly excited for the shark week mythbusters.
  • the grass has been growing very well. we've been watering like mad people and have what can actually be called grass at this point! Take that Brian!
  • Summer is going so fast-I couldn't be more depressed about it.
  • Work is going very well so far. I really like the people I work with now. My transition has been pretty easy and I'm looking forward to getting more involved in projects.
  • I had a great few weeks off. Grant and I had many adventures and play dates galore! Some of our favorites included Julie, Jim and baby Frances, Tina and baby Connor, and the Janus family.
  • I really can't stand Manny. It isn't just because he's a Red Sox, because there are plenty of those guys I like and who I think have class, it's because he's a thug! He is just a pain in the rear! Ask Taylor about his theory regarding Manny's pine tar.
  • I really, really, really (!) love my new car. I haven't been calling her Betsy as I planned. She still needs a name, but i think it will come to with time, just like Oprah did.
  • we had a great weekend. Swim class was fun, as always, and then we were off to visit Taylor's family. Pam got a new computer (and may be our newest reader) and so Taylor wanted to help get her up and running. I was able to get some great shopping done at the same time. Grant got to go on his very first boat and seemed to enjoy it.
  • Doogie Howser now does a commercial all about being a fake doctor. It was, as Barney Stinson would say, "Awesome"

Bed time! Night!

Monday, July 14, 2008

file this under the category of be careful what you wish for...
hydro seeding needs to be watered a minimum of twice a day. with the six hoses we use, that takes about 1.5 hours a time. my husband is a saint! I try to help-but he is really the man with the plan. think cool afternoon rain storms!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Hi Friends!
All is well in the world of Heather. I'm enjoying my time off. I consider this time home with Grant a little gift from the heavens! He's so much fun right now! He's also exhausting! I'm much more tired now being home with him full time than a "normal" work week! He's getting so big and learning new things every day. He's got two teeth now! He's still working on crawling-he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks-which we know is the step right before taking off! He's funny too! I hope many of you get to visit with him soon!

The house is getting busy! They've been working hard on our yard. We have a lovely driveway that has been paved. they finished the grading and have layed down the loom. they also run the rake thing over the finished area to get ready for the hydro seeding. I'm hoping they do that today and so we can be done with the construction zone! Grant and I have enjoyed watching all that is going on, but we've missed being able to sit out on the deck and the sounds of the noise makes it tough for the little man to take naps!

We start swim classes tomorrow. We're so excited! I've never taken a formal swim class, so maybe I'll learn something with the little guy! All the classes at the Y have funny little names and ours is called "Skip" class. Grant thinks "skip class" is the funniest thing he's ever heard-so if he doesn't like the class at least he's gotten plenty of giggles at the name. Worth the money and more! Hopefully we'll get some pictures to share.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Welcome Betsy MacFarlane! Betsy is our new car. She's about 48 hours old. Betsy is a 2009 Subaru Forester and I love her! She's silver (I know-why did I pick silver?) and the 2.5i premium. 2009 is a redesign for the Forester and it is a whole new car! I would have never looked at the old one, but Betsy and her friends are so cute! We're very happy together and look forward to a very very long relationship!