Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thinking magical thoughts...thinking magical thoughts...please let us not have screwed up our vacation plans...I've already cried twice this morning and it is only 9:30...please let the AAA gods and Mickey work together to let me into the Magic Kingdom in the morning...oh pretty please...I hate being on hold!

Monday, February 26, 2007

my favorite game this week has been where will I be next week at this time. In case you're wondering, I'll be getting ready for my fun dinner at California Grill. We're going during the fireworks, so they will turn down the lights and pipe in the music. I can't wait!!!!!!!! Sign me up for the express monorail!
If you're a fan of The Office, you recently enjoyed the wedding of Phyllis and Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. If you're a fan of Talladega Nights, you recently enjoyed watching Will Farrell pray to Baby Jesus, as that is his favorite Jesus. If you were with me on Saturday at the wedding of Max and Tori, you almost cracked up at two very inappropriate times!

On The Office, Michael Scott gave a toast at Phyllis's wedding and quoted the Princess Bride with the strange pronunciation of the word "marriage". It was funny. It was less funny that every time the priest said the word marriage in the wedding ceremony, I could hear Michael Scott's voice in my head. I was biting my lip not to laugh.

Next, one of the bride's brother's decided to give a grace at the wedding (well into the first course by the way, not cool). He kept saying the phrase Dear Jesus over and over--about 25 times in a two minutes talk. Thank goodness I was in the back of the room, because I had my head down with my shoulders shaking with silent laughter. It was too much for me to take. As I read this, it isn't really all that funny on paper, but it was crazy funny in real life! All of this was before I had a drink too (as was my little tumble down a set of stairs), so it wasn't even just drunk girl things everything is funny funny. Oh well!

The house was shown three more times this weekend. My poor little girls-they are very high stress at this point-never knowing who is coming in. I wish we could take them out each time like you do with a dog, but you just don't do that with baby kittens. Good luck to them while we're away.

WDW hear we come! ADR's are made and we'll be eating at California Grill, Marachashe, Liberty Tree, and Boma. I'm dying to have a zebra dome-I hear they are all the rage. Nothing say fun like time in the parks!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

long post yesterday about fat tuesday, peanut butter, my boys weekend, and the house. unfortunately, technology hates me lately and my computer literally shut itself down as I was posting. So instead today I'll say a quick hello and promise to write more later. I'm swamped at work right now and we're doing presidential interviews and I'm trying to get everything put to bed before vacation. I miss you all and promise to write more soon!

Friday, February 16, 2007

In an effort to find a picture of our stream, I went onto our old wedding website this morning and while there read my original daily rant. Alexander says I was much more fun when I was stressed out. He is right, it must have been fun to slowly watch me unspool. Lucky for him, now that the house is listed you can expect more stress! Get ready to laugh at me.

The first showing of our house is tonight. Let's hope the cats don't do anything particularly destructive or disgusting between now and 4:30. Early this morning--around 2:30--Gracie decided she was hungry, so she climbed onto the counter, opened the cupboard, and took down (from the top shelf that I need a stool to reach) Taylor's giant box of Jelly Belly's. Luckily, I don't really sleep anymore, so I heard it hit the floor and I was able to get to it and take it (and scold her) before she had a chance to eat through the box and get 40 flavors spread across my house. What a mess that would have been! I can't imagine waking up to that, and I can't imagine how on earth that box fell from the third shelf and landed upside-down and closed, but the jelly bean fairy must like me and gave me a bit of a break.

Ross's welcome back from the sandbox party is tomorrow and Alexander is coming for the weekend to get out of Emilie's hair so she can study. Looks like it is just Heather and the boys this weekend since Pam is still in NJ with her mom. It's been years since it was just the me and the boys. I'll have to brush up on "man talk" between now and the morning!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thank you to the snow gods!!!!!!!! I'm home today enjoying my first snow day of the year. Taylor went into the office, against my recommendation, and called to say the roads are pretty terrible. I'm happy to be home!

We listed our house last night. The MLS listing isn't up yet, but should probably be up later today. I won't list the link here, but if you are interested, I'll email you personally so you can check it out. I'm scared out of my mind. God forbid the house sells, we've got no where to go. And God forbid that we don't sell the house, how can we stay here forever? I know it will be fine, I just don't expect to sleet all that well for the next few months.

Oh! Snow day treat! Dawson's Creek is doing a documentary on Witch Island--a take off of Blair Witch. I hated that movie. I saw it in the theater, though I don't remember with who or why we saw it. The chick's name in the movie was Heather, and they screamed it for hours. It was so annoying. Hopefully Dawson's will be better.

My day, though a bonus day, will be about packing and cleaning. Shocking I know! Upstairs is really empty and clean. I've got about one more box to come out of the bedroom and maybe another from the kitchen cabinets. I really need to spend some more time in the basement. It is all but done, unfortunately all the stuff that isn't packed is thrown in the middle of the room, so I have to get that all wrapped up before the good folks decide to come tour the house.

have to stop writing now...lizzy has decided to lay across the keyboard! later folks!

Monday, February 12, 2007

I gave hugs and squeezes to my friend Ross today! His plane came in at 11:00 into Providence and I had the honor of joining his family for this special moment. He looks really good-he's definitly lost weight and bulked up. Ladies, if you're single and looking, I've got the guy for you! Welcome Home Ross--we truly missed you!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Ross is out of Baghdad! He is in America's airport (Kuwait) and will back in the states on Sunday. Everyone take a collective sigh (though small because he isn't home yet) of relief!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Another Monday morning...another episode of what fun painting projects did Heather and Taylor do this weekend! Well, since I know you're just dying to know, I'll put an end to the suspense! This weekend we, painted my closet doors and put new pulls on, polished the hardwoods in the spare bedroom, painted the heater grates to most of the rooms in the house, cleaned up the basement, painted part of the basement, and put in a new bathroom floor. Most of this was done on Sunday, as Saturday we spent time shopping for the supplies for the above projects as well as other touches of "home" for the purpose of staging. We had to go to three stores before we found a welcome mat that actually says "Welcome". We also bought a fun dry erase board (yes, we feel like we are in college) for a message board by the phone in the kitchen to cover up some yuck the woman before us left on the walls. A lovely arrangement of Ivy was purchased to draw your eye to the top of the fridge in the kitchen, some colored blankets to give warmth to the bedroom, a rug to go in the spare bedroom, and a lamp for the bedroom. I am one of the only people on the planet that looks forward to Monday to get away from the house! Still, we finally sat down together during half time of the Super Bowl last night and agree that we think we beat the house in the battle this weekend. Taylor is the MVP (which is happening in his life a lot lately) because he spent the better part of the day putting in the bathroom floor, which meant figuring out all the cuts for behind the triangle toilet. The house had a good shot at beating us this time, but we were victorious!

All that said, I'm sleepy! Tonight, it is back to the basement for some time. I'm scrubbing the floors and the shelves so we can pack all the boxes we've packed tightly into one area, while making the other look like a place we hang out. Now, we don't really hang out in our basement (thought I do love to do laundry), but it will sure look like it is the place to be when all is said and done. I think it will be a short night of work though, because my hands are covered in little cuts and are so dry from being washed constantly that they sting! Plus, 24 is on tonight, so I know I'll lose Taylor early.

I worked Saturday night for a few hours and missed book club. I'm really bummed out, because not only did I miss my few hours of girl time a month, I missed meeting Meg's new baby and having a chance to love and squeeze him. Stupid work! Stupid Basketball Alumni messing with my schedule!

Ross will be home in a week!!!!!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Someone pooped in Taylor's pants last night...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

I'm having an unproductive day at the office. I won't lie, it feels pretty good! I had a long lunch with a friend off campus (it was so good)! It was nice to have a conversation with someone who knows me well and who I can speak to candidly without the worry that they will think I'm a freak! I've done some personal business from my office, and I've really just taken my time on the projects I'm working on. It isn't a bad day, but I'm sleepy from working last night until almost 9:00 and I'm a little cranky with some of the people I work with, but all told, it isn't a bad day. I got three of my favorite pens and some dry erase markers that I ordered, so I'll have some fun organizing later this afternoon. I know, I'm a wild woman!

Anyone who wants to come on my Italy trip this summer is welcome to come. The dates are June 23-July1 and the trip is to Rome. It should be an awesome time. Anyone who is interested in learning more, give my a call!

I miss my friends today. It seems like everyone is so far away and that we aren't lucky enough to see each other as much as we should. I still love you all, just wish you were closer right now and that we could meet for an hour for a glass of wine and silly chats. Wherever you are tonight, have a sip of wine for me and think of a fun memory of being together!