Monday, February 26, 2007

If you're a fan of The Office, you recently enjoyed the wedding of Phyllis and Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. If you're a fan of Talladega Nights, you recently enjoyed watching Will Farrell pray to Baby Jesus, as that is his favorite Jesus. If you were with me on Saturday at the wedding of Max and Tori, you almost cracked up at two very inappropriate times!

On The Office, Michael Scott gave a toast at Phyllis's wedding and quoted the Princess Bride with the strange pronunciation of the word "marriage". It was funny. It was less funny that every time the priest said the word marriage in the wedding ceremony, I could hear Michael Scott's voice in my head. I was biting my lip not to laugh.

Next, one of the bride's brother's decided to give a grace at the wedding (well into the first course by the way, not cool). He kept saying the phrase Dear Jesus over and over--about 25 times in a two minutes talk. Thank goodness I was in the back of the room, because I had my head down with my shoulders shaking with silent laughter. It was too much for me to take. As I read this, it isn't really all that funny on paper, but it was crazy funny in real life! All of this was before I had a drink too (as was my little tumble down a set of stairs), so it wasn't even just drunk girl things everything is funny funny. Oh well!

The house was shown three more times this weekend. My poor little girls-they are very high stress at this point-never knowing who is coming in. I wish we could take them out each time like you do with a dog, but you just don't do that with baby kittens. Good luck to them while we're away.

WDW hear we come! ADR's are made and we'll be eating at California Grill, Marachashe, Liberty Tree, and Boma. I'm dying to have a zebra dome-I hear they are all the rage. Nothing say fun like time in the parks!

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