Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hi Friends-

I'm a delinquent blogger. Things have been hectic. We signed the papers on the house on Monday. We've been looking around for a summer rental and have decided that it would be cool to rent a lake house if we have to rent anyway. We found two to go look at this weekend, so that will be cool.

Work is nutty, so there likely won't be many from work posts, unless I'm having one of those moments when it feels like the world is spinning away. If that is the case, expect lots of posts!

It is pouring here right now-like build an ark pouring. I'm glad I'm inside.
Yes, I'm home early. We had a plumber and an electrician here today to do work on the house. Luckily the electrician is a friend, because all of the things I dragged him to the house to fix weren't really broken...

I balled my eyes out last night at the series finale of the Gilmore Girls. Taylor thought I was losing my mind. And, to be honest, I felt that way too. I don't even really watch Gilmore Girls, though have seen plenty of episodes through the years, but it was the end of an era and so I was sad. Sue me for being a sap!

I wonder what to make for dinner...trying to clean out the freezer right now...moving is Hell!

1 comment:

jeniffercox said...

Moving is hell. I miss you!