Sunday, May 27, 2007

Taylor was hogging the computer during the finale of American Idol. You don't know it blog readers, but you missed out of some very hysterical reading! The material they were providing for a live blog would have been great-but he had to play his silly pirate game online. Oh well, it is better than VMK (right Emilie!).

Speaking of live blogs, there was no Internet access at the golf course on Wednesday. I was more sad than you, believe me. The day went well and was very successful. I spent most of my day riding around on a golf cart providing water and bag lunches to the players. It was a good day overall. You would think a day in the sun might have given me some color, but I'm still nearly transparent. I need a few hours in the sun with a good book!

This weekend isn't a time for sun worshipping sadly. I'm packing like a mad woman! The spare bedroom is totally packed and is about to become the land of a million boxes. The living room is in good shape too. I've got most of the linens in the bathroom packed and really just need to tackle the clothes in the bedroom. We've got to pack summer and work clothes to get us through the summer in one place, and everything else in another. My best guess on how to do this is to pack summer stuff into big plastic containers and suitcases,and then use the empty drawer space for items from the closet that are going to storage. I bring a whole new wrinkle to the plan with my expanding belly. Most of my clothes won't fit in about two weeks. Most of my shorts already don't fit, which was a tough development yesterday morning. Like every other woman in New England, I put on 5-7 pounds every winter while inside watching football and hiding from the snow. We all lose this weight in the springtime when we're running around outside, gardening, and enjoying the nice weather. This spring, the 5-7 pounds didn't get to come off, so my normal shorts are snug already! I was definitely bummed to find this out yesterday, but I'm still well within my weight range for this stage of the game. I'll be interested to see how much weight I've gained with the little munchkin when I go to the doctors next week. I had lost weight last time I was there, but think I might be showing a little bit already, so it is really any mans guess.

This is my packing break. Taylor is snoozing on the couch and I don't want to wake him by dragging more empty boxes up the stairs. I'm running the move like I used to run my old golf tournament. I'm in charge, I like to do all of the planning and organization myself, then have people come in and help execute my plan. There is a clip board involved, index cards, sharpie markers, and a detailed time line. I love this kind of thing-this level of organization is what I'm cut out to do in life! Luckily, after years of helping me carry things at the golf tournament, Taylor understands and recognizes the beauty of my plans and basically stays out of the way and lets me do my thing. It takes a strong man to be married to a control freak at the level I am at and to handle it and me with grace. It also takes the occasional nap :)

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