Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I have a meeting in 12 minutes. I could do work, but I thought I would blog instead :) I'm a naughty worker!

Have you talked to me in person in the last two weeks or so? If you haven't, you need to call the house so I can catch up with you. I think I've talked to all of my loyal blog readers, but I miss you all and want to make sure we've all touched base recently. So, Call Me!

Commencement is this weekend. What an utter waste of time. Poor Ross is being dragged up so Taylor doesn't have to sit alone. I still don't know why I'm bothering to go, especially a year out, but I'm committed and I even have my cap and gown now, so I guess I'm in. At least this year it should be sunny instead of raining like the last few.

I was recently thinking about the vast difference between graduating College and Grad School. Leaving college is so bittersweet. You say goodbye to your friends, your home, the place that you've grown up. You're sad--especially if you're a girl. Finishing graduate school is sheer joy. Nothing to be sad about. You make more money in your pocket (no more books or classes), you make more in your pay check, and you get your life back. It is all positive!

Someone in my office just got the most beautiful flowers from her husband. What's that about? Flowers on a random Wednesday? He must have done something wrong...

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