Thursday, June 07, 2007

well, we did it! we found a place to go and we moved. I wouldn't go as far as to say life is good, but life is at least all back under one roof and is slowly finding its way out of boxes. No harassment about not blogging-we don't have real Internet at the apartment yet (just "borrowed" from a neighbor), but I'll try to write at work when there is a chance.

Things are fine with us. I start my summer schedule tomorrow, which means Friday's off! I'm super excited and I'm looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow. We don't have cable yet, so no Dawson's Creek, but I have found out where the library is, so I think I'm going to wander off and find a book to enjoy. Yes, I have serious unpacking to do, but I feel like surviving the last two weeks has earned me a bit of a break, don't you?

Just got back from the doctor's office. Turns out pregnancy is the best diet I've ever been on. Somehow, and believe me, it wasn't intentional, I've lost another pound. I'm in month four and have lost weight total! The doctor told me I'm not eating enough or often enough. You don't have to tell the fat girl that twice! I'm counting down the minutes to lunch as we speak! Otherwise, the kiddo is doing well, except her mom is under too much stress and needs to relax for every one's sake. Ever notice how when someone tells you that you are under too much stress and tells you to relax it stresses you more? I hate people sometimes!

1 comment:

Kittyvillain said...

eat more? dude... you might be the ONLY pregnant woman out there who isn't eating for two! (btw, you are not fat, you are lovely!)