Friday, April 06, 2007

I love Good Friday! working for the Catholics has its privileges! Now I don't get nearly the same vacation I used to get, but one and a half days are more than none, so I'll take it as a win!

We've got no real plans for Easter this year. We're heading to meet my parents halfway tomorrow to meet for lunch. I can't wait to see my parents! Living far from them is one of the hardest things in the world, so even just a few hours together is a fun night.

I've got no idea what we're going to have for dinner tonight. Usually when I'm home I like to make a nice meal, but I've been kind of lazy today and just not in the mood to cook. I didn't even make the bunny cake I planned on. Keeping the house so clean all the time for showing makes the thought of cooking or baking just too difficult. Maybe I'll become reinspired once the darn house sells! I guess the people who saw the house this morning really liked it, so we'll see if they make an offer or decide something stupid like the ceilings are to low or something.

Daytime television sucks. Well, Dawson's Creek aside, there really isn't much on during the day. I've been in and out today, but I've watched some stuff and there really isn't reason to bother. I'm glad I've got laundry and cleaning to keep me busy today! Seriously, a rerun of Dharma and Greg is the best thing on right now. Terrifying!

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