Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my friend Suz had her baby yesterday...he was 9 days late and weighed 9 lbs 10 oz. when he came out, he asked for a sandwich. that is a heck of a big baby. god help her!

the papers for our house are coming tonight. once we sign them, we start a whole new merry-go-round of house fun with inspections and appraisals and all that fun stuff. Things should go smoothly though and we aren't anticipating too many problems.

I'm going to a baby shower tonight for my friend Amy. This is her second and she is due at the end of next week. It should be fun because I'll see a ton of my old coworkers whom I haven't seen since December. It has the potential to be overwhelming, but I am looking forward to laughing. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed my work friends until I didn't see them every day. We used to laugh all the time and the work day sure goes faster when you're giggling around every corner! No food at this thing tonight though (well, cake I think) because they are coming from a big reception. I've gotta poke around and see what I've got in the fridge here to munch on before I go!

I love the show "How I Met Your Mother". Did any of you see it this week? Barney cracked me up with his 15 reference. It is the little moments that make that show great.

Our work email is still mostly down. I'm going crazy over here!!!!!!!!

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