Monday, April 09, 2007

Post number 150 baby! Go Team! What to talk about to make the post special...

Oh, I know! How about the fact that Taylor and I have (unofficially) sold our house! Yup! We found out Saturday that an offer was made on the house. We countered and expected them to come back with a third number, but instead they said okay! We haven't signed the official papers yet as there is some funky wording that has to be worked out, but hopefully we'll be able to do that tonight. We'll be closing on May 31st, so we've got about 7 weeks until we are homeless. Please think happy thoughts about our buyers and their financing, the quick and easy inspection on our house that will find nothing wrong, and me and Taylor finding a place that we love with sellers who want to be out by May 15th!

Oh, and Happy Easter! We ended up canceling our plans to go to Maine on Saturday. I woke up early with a nasty stomach thing. It was gross, you don't want details. We really just laid around the house the rest of the weekend since I wasn't feeling great. I didn't even end up cooking Easter dinner. Instead we rented movies and ate Chinese food. All and all, it wasn't a bad way to celebrate Easter, all be it quite different from the norm in our house. I'm so sad to be back at work today!

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